🤍C H A P T E R E I G H T E E N🤍

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Jacque's Point Of View
I guess he knows what he did is terrible and regrets it? I don't know but I miss him badly, we've always been together so this is probably the most I've gone being mad at him, "of course you idiot" I say while laughing through tears and jump on him as we just drift in each other's eyes and he leans and I repeat his movements while he takes me into a kiss;
it's been so long and I've missed him so much.

After a while we both pull away slightly panting and decide to sit down a bit and that turns into talking and well, we don't leave each other's side. It's most pleasurable to be with him again and finally be able to just stand there with him being mine and me his, although he probably doesn't know what me and Ozzy did I want to keep it that way and I don't see why that's a bad idea. I guess we weren't even dating so I didn't even do anything wrong and it was just a moment which seems to be happening a lot.

After a while Ozzy and Richille burst through the door intertwining hands, it's amazing to see Ozzy so happy when he's with Richille and vise versa. They work great together and so do me Noah, I look over at him for a split second seeing he's smiling at them.

Considering rehearsals are over, me and Ozzy get back to a fixed schedule as we had an hour left so we did that while Noah stayed and Richille was doing something in the next steep.
We rehearsed a few times and Noah clapped each time loving it while I laughed at his actions.

Richille's Point Of View
I was sitting when Emily calls me and I answer;
"Hi Richille" I smile lightly as I talked to her, I've missed just simple talks with my big sister
"Also I've found a role that would be perfect for you and I've asked them for everything and it's after nationals in Canada"
"Thank you thank you thank you" I keep reporting while she laughs hard
"Well, when can I audition?"
"Next week, how about that?"I nod and then realize that it was over phone and him lightly
"Great I-" she gets interrupted by Riley calling her for the fifth time and I tell her it's fine so we end the call and I check the time

An hour?

I go upstairs seeing as Ozzy and Jacque should have finished their rehearsals early which did indeed happen and they were just talking and packing so I came over and I completely ignore Ozzy's existence and brush my shoulder over his (jokingly of course) while I hug jac and the boys laugh while we mirror it slightly rolling our eyes.

"I've missed this so much you guys, we've know each other for so long that we let something like this get in between us but we should be much stronger" they all agree and I pull them into a group hug.
I've truly missed these humans.

Five hours later
I was just working out an extra hour as I had nothing better to do and hardly had any rehearsals while I was doing that Ozzy came inside, he was staying over and so he just sat himself down and told me to stop working out and do a new move and so I obliged and went back to normally working out, about a few seconds and minutes later I see a notification coming from my phone as I grab it I see that it was Ozzy mentioning me in his story. It was me right now I just laugh and put it on my story without a comment.

I go back to working out and he later joins me and it turns out into a talking session until I tell him that I have to take a shower.
"I'll come back after I'm done, okay?" He nods
"Take your time babe" he kisses my cheek and I feel a slight blush come over me as I make my way upstairs quickly then take a phone call from Emily saying that I should take the audition on Wednesday and it was Sunday, less than a week but it's fine, I ask her for the part of the script which I should memorize or just know lightly, and she sent it to me.

After my shower I get dressed,

I leave my hair to air dry and go downstairs to see him eating some chocolate so I go over and stand opposite to him and he smiles at me"What are you thinking about?" "You" I cringe at his cheesiness and he laughs at my face then comes over to me ...

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I leave my hair to air dry and go downstairs to see him eating some chocolate so I go over and stand opposite to him and he smiles at me
"What are you thinking about?"
"You" I cringe at his cheesiness and he laughs at my face then comes over to me putting his hands on my waist from my back while I turn my head to give him a kiss and he kisses me back, I smile into it and we pull away a few seconds later.
After a bit of talking about random stuff:

"May be dancemania would be cool to be on?"

"Did you hear the rumors that Jones is back?"

"That song isn't that good Richie your overreacting"

"I love your company, and you of course"

"We should ask Emily when we'll preform the duet"

"I missed this so much"

After a long time my eyelids get heavy and it starts getting hard to listen to him and before I knew it I was fast asleep and he carries me upstairs kissing my forehead then my cheek
"Good night baby" He gets in bed and I get under the duvet adjusting myself to find his neck and I start drifting off.

Next morning (Monday)
I wake up to the shower's noise and assume the obvious then get up looking through any messages I got and decide to go make breakfast cause I was really hungry.
I make some pancakes since it's the easiest thing and make some for Ozzy too.

It's very terrifying to know that Ozzy will know that Jones is back because of me, i don't know how he'll react but I hope he doesn't find out I did this, I can't exactly tell him why I did what I did.

He comes down with a white T shirt and jeans on and his dance bag with him, I smile at him and present his food to him while he thanks me so I nod at him as a way of saying it's fine and sit down eating too.

Once full I put the plates in the sink and he grabs his car keys but I leave mine since it's unnecessary, we get in laughing about something he said. I wish he was more like this goofy person, Ozzy isn't who he was when he first came to the next step, not being taken seriously and everything just changed him completely to know someone who was considered for solos but even though he's like that I thought that he'd be different with me which he is sometimes he is however that isn't the case, I still love him though it doesn't really change anything I still fell for him hard.

We arrive and head to jac who was with Kingston and they were cracking up, we walk over to them and start stretching after changing.

Jones comes out with Emily, Michelle and Noah who were apparently talking and we start rounding up around them.
"Two more month till Nationals" Emily states
"We've been perfecting most dances but there are other things that are also important" Michelle says instantly after
"Like getting to practice all in other competitions, exactly like the duet which we asked Ozzy and Richille do" Emily completes
"Also there will be a small group, trio which will be Finn, Kingston and Henry" Noah says pointing to the dancers, they will most likely make it all hip hop, but it's their best style so no one is complaining.

While I was focused on what's being said Ozzy glares at someone and of course it was Jones, I start getting anxious but pretend like it isn't bothering me at all and keep on listening.

After a bit of telling us about random announcements she asks Noah to lead which he nods to and starts with us just marking the two dances.
They were both brilliant if you ask me, one had a story behind it and was really touching while the other was this upbeat more happy and Acro dance, I'm sure the judges won't be expecting that.

Four hours later, we were done with all dances rehearsed over and over again with hardly any breaks only to drink water.
Ozzy comes over to me and I smile at him
"We should talk" before I could reply he snatches me away to the corner whilst everyone is talking
"Do you know anything about Jones coming back?" Did he know? I nervously tried to answer
"No, I think Emily just liked him and took him back"
"But I warned him, do I need to do it again?"
"No, no... Ozzy I think that we should just accept it you know he's leaving soon anyways and he isn't bothering anyone" he scoffs
"Richille he forced himself on you, which part of did nothing to anyone do you think I actually believe?"
"I know but he probably knows what he did is wrong"
"No. Let it go Ozzy" I say before storming away to Jacque, I really wish he wouldn't t care even though it's kind of his job to do so.
I just hate lying to him, I love him and not telling him the truth hurts.
<> thank you so much for reading!!
<> here's a chapter... ik I stopped for like a week and came back, sorry
<>posting tomorrow night/morning since I already wrote the chapter but didn't edit it
<> don't forget to leave suggestions in the comments.

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