😇C H A P T E R S I X T E E N😇

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Before you read this chapter it won't really make much sense in various parts except if you read the last three chapters over again as I've completely changed them and re wrote them.
Anyways when done please read this, enjoy!

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Ozzy's Point Of View
Jacque has her head on my lap while she fell asleep, it was heartbreaking to see her like this but i couldn't stop thinking about Richille, I want her to explain. I need to understand everything from her point of view although what she did was horrible.
It's hard to decide weather I would want to forgive her or to just ignore her, I groaned from frustration and jac shot up fast.

"I'm sorry I woke you up" I say softly as she's still adjusting to the light of the TV
"No, no it's fine I should be leaving right now anyways" I shake my head instantly
"Your not going anywhere it's 11 pm, just sleepover" she nods and starts drifting off to sleep while I take my phone out of my pocket and scroll through Instagram, it didn't take much time for her to fall into a deep sleep and so I carried her upstairs put her in my bed and was going downstairs to sleep on the couch but she calls after me and insists that I sleep next to her
"Except if you don't want to then I totally get it" I shake my head and take my shirt off then get in, she sleeps again, such a heavy sleeper, but starts to move until she gets comfortable in my chest and so I just let her be and put my phone away sleeping as well.

Richille's Point Of View
"Jones what do you want now?" I ask and he just ignores me coming in while pushing through me, I close the door and sigh.
I've been in many, many situations with an ex/ past lover or any person of that kind and so if I learnt anything is weather they were angry like 90% of the time or were nice as hell I should always have proof of anything they do.

I take my phone out and start recording then shut it off and go upstairs, he was sitting on my bed.
"Jones get out" he shakes his head
"What do you mean no? It's my house hence my rules" he stands up and comes closer to me but I start backing up, this seems familiar
"What the hell do you think your doing?" He stops and takes out his phone
"You wouldn't want these going out now would you" he shows me pictures of several reports about my sister's suicide and people blaming me with proof which was all fake.
"Why are you doing this Jones?" I ask sighing in defeat, something I never do but had to
"You have to allow me back at the studio or I'll leak these to every single reporting channel in Canada, I'm sure they would like a huge scoop on The Richille nolet and your friends wouldn't mind either" I nod and he walks out. I stop the recording and save it although he did nothing.
I just can't take it anymore, I burst into tears and just let everything out, it was hard to make people think it was all okay all the time and then go home and start crying.
I did the only thing I know to do when I'm feeling like this, I take my jacket and run over to my private studio and start the song 'California'.

In the middle I drop to the floor and look at the mirror "what did I do?" I ask myself
"This isn't who I am, this isn't me"
"I love Ozzy so what the hell is wrong with me"
"Why did I do it?"
"Why didn't I explain everything to him, why did I just run?"
I'm just scared of loving someone, of them loving me and leaving me just like all the others but I knew that ozzy was different and I had to accept that but my insecurities got the best of me.
How can I be so stupid?
I go back to my car and drive home, i got in bed and hoped that tomorrow would go as planned and that I would fix everything with Ozzy.

The next day

The next dayOutfit:

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