🖤T H E E N D🖤

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Other than that, enjoy!!

"Richille please wake up" I hear, blinking was like drowning I couldn't do it
"She's awake" someone shouts and soon enough I hear nurses, I suppose, driving people out.
"We will let you in in a bit of" I couldn't hear at all and when I give it my all to just jump off the mattress I'm on, it pulls me back down.
It's absolutely painful. My voice is the only thing which echoes in my head as the shouts of... Annabel Orlando?
No, Annabel wasn't supposed  to show up here, or anywhere for that matter.
All memories flash back, what happened was never mentioned again after all that's what the government wanted...

Flashback to seven years ago,
"No Richille, you are so dumb sometimes you know that?" She shouted
"I mean I can't really forget if you keep reminding me every five seconds Orlando" I yell back she was being unreasonable, she wasn't being a supportive friend
"I thought you were to stand by my side all the time, or am I mistaken?" She rolls her eyes and groan loudly while throwing things over the room, she was going insane!

"Richille the next thing you say I'm warning you to think it over very precisely because I'm about to slit your throat if something dumb comes out of your dreary mouth" I gasp at her tone, what the hell is wrong with her?
"Annabel you better shut the hell up and get out of my house before you regret you were ever born you"  she storms out and I let out a long breath I didn't know I was holding, what the heck was she saying? This isn't something to joke around, especially since what happened with Polly.

Three days later
"Hey Richille" I roll my eyes and keep walking to class
"Look please just come with me for one second" sighing I follow her to the closet
"What is this about Annabel?"
"Your sisters death wasn't a suicide" I gasp and the cup of water falls from my hand right on my feet but I still object
"Annabel what your saying is really nuts and so are you these past days, you can't just threaten to kill me then say my sister didn't commit suicide, your so unbelievable and I'm not going to just be here for it the whole time"
She shushes me fast
"I know because it was me who killed her" I slap her right that second and start punching her uncontrollably.

"Stop it you maniac"
"I'm the maniac here? You killed someone and then admitted to it, which i by the way don't believe it"
"Well you should, I'm the one who wrote the note, she was too good for this life so I gave her up for a better one" I start letting tears go through me
"I'm gonna call the police, your a lunatic" I grab my phone and get out of the closet before she can run after me.

I sent her with the police and she admitted to everything stating information about the crime scene that were never revealed which means she actually did it, I couldn't believe it at all, she's been my best friend for 4 years but after that the only thing I had left was only really dance, Jacque, Ozzy and Noah. Life looked useless for me and these were the only people/ things that kept my head above water. I never felt like I was enough from them, may be Annabel was right, that Polly was too good for this life and that she is having a bette done now, may be I'm the reason she did have a good life. I guess I'm just a burden everywhere I go.

End of flashback.

She was sentenced 12 years in jail for murder but that's only half the time she spent.
I've never felt whole ever again, I never trusted anyone except these three and as traumatic as what happened to me was I swore to not go to therapy because they won't do anything only diagnose me with something that makes no sense. 6 years later and I'm better than ever without any therapy, well except for the part of where I'm in a hospital bed.

They start asking me questions and making me talk so I don't close my eyes.

Hours later;
"Are you sure your okay darling?" I nod weakly and smile slightly, it was hard to do so when the thought of Annabel was occurring constantly in my head.
"But is anyone here by the name of Lombardi?" She nods and I sit back down, a few seconds Ozzy comes in
"Hey" he whispers and I smile at him
"You feeling better?" I nod
"Look, I'm sorry for not telling you about Jones and" he stops me and sits on a chair next to my bed while taking a deep breath
"No, I'm sorry I overreacted and you having a panic attack was all my fault, I should've heard you out and You should know that you can tell me anything and I won't get mad, I'll be here for you Richille because I love you"
"I love you too"
Noah and Jacque come in and sit next to me,

"I love you so much Richie don't ever scare me like that again" Jacque hugs me hard and Noah comes in next
"I hope you get better soon rich, we love you remember that" I laugh and tears leave my eyes, I love these people. Truly love them.
"And I know you guys always wanted to know what happened with my sister, so I'm ready to explain everything" they listen to me and I start from the beginning, they were all as shocked as I was at the time
"Your telling me an Annabel Orlando is here in this building?" I nod at Noah and his face turns pale.
"Not anymore" I tilt my head and Jacque keeps going "well, the police literally just took an Annabel Orlando out after she was seen holding one of the equipment, apparently she was stealing them but by what your saying I think I actually know what's she was doing" my hearts instantly calms down I hug her.

"That is the best thing I heard all day" I cry and the doctor opens the door
"You May leave when your ready Miss Nolet" I nod and she closes it again.

"I'm happy you guys are here with me right now, I'm happy that all of you are okay with me being me and not changing me, your always there for me through our ups and downs. I love you so much."

"These 4 young hearts" the nurse awed and we all laughed.
Word count: 1.2k

Okay so... the end?
Thank you so much for reading this book, this is truly amazing and I couldn't have done it without your support towards this book, people who have read it, voted and commented.  It's amazing that I got to finish a whole book and did it with 2k people reading it. I have never thought that so many people would even like the book. I'm so lucky to be doing this and can't really explain how happy I am, thank you for being with me through this beautiful journey.

I know that the ending wasn't expected but I wanted to do something different and address what I'd did at the beginning of my story, that is Richille facing the trauma of her sister's suicide.

Sorry if you don't like the ending but I guess this is it. Thank you for reading this book I love you guys so much and also thank you for 2k, that's wild really. I love you.

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