💞C H A P T E R S E V E N T E E N💞

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Jacque's Point Of View
10 Minutes earlier
We were just practicing our duet when we end with our positions but stay a bit more than usual, He leans in and kisses me and I kiss him back but we pull away once we heard a Ringing and then a bang.

Richille's Point Of View
I drop my phone on accident while trying to stop the sound of the call from my mum. I run immediately to the parking lot and start letting tears out of my eyes, they kissed? I thought that we could speed the break thing that I never even asked for, Noah is the one who did this and now look what happened. You know what? If Noah is the one who started it he better be ready to end it for once and for all because I'm not gonna let this happen for any longer. I text Noah quickly.

He arrives and I simply pull him to the locker room, he looks confused but I really don't care at this point

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He arrives and I simply pull him to the locker room, he looks confused but I really don't care at this point. Once we reach I slap him hard
"What the hell Richille" he says holding his now red cheek
"You kissed me and told Jacque to take a break, Are you dumb or is it just me?"
"Look I just need to figure somethings out and I'm not really in the mood for you to yell at me" I scoff and cross my arms but slap him first
"Okay, you really need to stop that it legitimately hurts way to much" I roll my eyes
"Look I want Ozzy back so your going to go and talk to Jacque" he shakes his head and I go to slap him again but he holds my wrist fast, not harshly but enough to make me put it down.

"Whatever just talk to her, she's your girlfriend Noah you guys have been dating for so long know you can't actually tell me that you just don't like her anymore"
"I love her Richille and I don't even know why I did that, it's not like I like you" I groan and sit down
"I don't care, you were a frickin Dumbass and know I have to pay so win her back you jerk, she's hurting and I'm not gonna let you do that to her for much longer to her" I know I'm being harsh right now but I mean, every word I'm saying is a hundred percent true and he has to deal with that.
"I know that that's not how it's going to go" he sighs and sits beside me so I face him, there's something deeper to this.
"Look I-" I get interrupted by summer coming inside and telling me Emily wants to talk to me.
"We'll talk after so go to studio 1" he nods and I go to Studio A but don't see Ozzy and Jacque so I'm guessing they left together or something, I go over to Emily and Michelle and see Jones standing there suddenly a wave of realization hits me but I go in there with my head held high.

"Richille, Jones says that he wants to come back but when we declined he says that you have something to tell us and so please do before I personally kick him out" Emily says, I guess he did something to one of them
"Well, Jones is a really good addition to the team and to be honest one of the best people to be on our side, with him we have a 99 percent chanced winning nationals, he also showed me a great choreography part and I'm sure we would have a greater chance of winning with it" Michelle holds back her anger of me defending him, now I know he did something to one of them
"I very much think other-" Michelle comes to state but Emily swoops in quickly
"Okay then Jones you are officially re-hired just come over tomorrow and we can go further" She smiles at me and I look at the raging Michelle, they have to talk. I really wished she had said no but then again I don't want anything going out so I guess I'll just suffer till nationals, he has to film something after that in the UK as he said in an interview a few days ago, so he'll have to leave.

I thank them and go to studio 1 to find Jacque, Ozzy and Noah all talking. More like Jacque yelling at him and Ozzy sitting there comprehending what the hell is happening so I come in and shout aggressively which grabs their attention.
"Now that I've got your attention I need to talk and then you can go back to hating each other" Noah mumbles something but I can't quite hear it so shrug it off.

"I didn't kiss Noah he kissed me, sorry Noah, and so believe it or not but that isn't fair that your mad at me Jacque" she shakes her head and I sigh
"And Noah was just in the moment which never even happened, he loves you Jacque not me, you guys have been dating for three years do you really think he would give all that up?"
"Why are you speaking for him Richille? I know that, I know all what your saying but I don't want to hear it from you, I want to hear it from my him, from the person I fell so hard for that I was blinded to think he loves me just as much,  do you just not love me anymore?" Jac was hurting, tears threatening to leave my eyes as I heard her break and her going down to sit slowly and so Ozzy held her from behind to try and calm her down which he failed at and she let a few tears go, having her head in her hands Noah motioned for me and Ozzy to leave which we did and trusted Noah would be wise with his choose of words.

Jacque's Point Of View
"I do love you, more than anything and I can't describe my love for you really Jacque so I don't want you to ever think otherwise or even question it for a bit" I smiled over my tears, I hate crying but in front of Noah? It certainly didn't scare me, I look at him  and he smiles back.
"I don't know what I was thinking, I know that I don't like Richille at all and I have no idea why the hell I even kissed her but Jacque; you have to know that I love you and only you. Take me back?" I was shocked yet happy to know how he finally felt even after the stupid incident he pulled.

Ozzy's Point Of View
She was pacing around the room...mumbling?
I'm not sure what she was really saying but it wasn't a jovial thing that's for sure.
She was sweating and getting really panicked in addition to her shaking,  before we even started dating I found her in her bed having a panic attack which wasn't really visible as she tried to hide it but I eventually understood what was happening and she told me about her panic attacks.

I got up from the chair and signaled her for a hug, I didn't just want to hug her, not after she saw me and Jacque kiss, even though it wasn't clear who it was I'm not sure who would run away like that other than her. She ran to me and I started whispering calming things to her as jac said that when she has panic attacks it helps tremendously.
She calmed down and looked at me, I spoke softly "why did that happen?" She shakes her head and buries her head in my neck, I gently moved her head to look at me, I wanted to be as gentle as I can but she was really stubborn
"Richie talk to me" she sighed
"I don't want to lose you, I really don't like Noah like that and I know your probably still mad at me and dating Jacque by now but I really love you" I smiled at her and kissed her which she returned gladly and she sat down on the floor then I followed her steps and eventually she had her head on my lap and was laughing historically which made me smile, it's been a while since I saw her happy and being the source of that happiness, that in its self is sublime.
We were sitting for a pretty long time, like say thirty minutes, why did Noah take so long?
Thank you for reading!
<>I needed to update twice since I wrote this in one chapter but thought I would be too much.
<>Leaves suggestions in the comments!

-love you all💗

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