💖C H A P T E R E L E V E N💖

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I get ready then go downstairs and see Leaia already up so I tell her good morning, grab my salad and text Noah to come pick me up since L is running errands with mine.
He tells me he'll be here in 10 minutes, considering we lives 20 minutes away I would say he was coming to pick me up.

I get inside the car and we start talking about random stuff, we arrive at the studio and I thank him for the ride then go to The next steep for a juice before heading up

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I get inside the car and we start talking about random stuff, we arrive at the studio and I thank him for the ride then go to The next steep for a juice before heading up. I go there and see both jac and Ozzy talking and laughing so I go over and sit next to jac and Noah next to oz.

Rehearsals were gonna start in thirty minutes so we had some time to kill.
We had to dance, it's our way so that's what we did. It was our first time coming into studio A after winning Regionals.

*Third person but talking heads*

Finn: coming here after winning regionals feels incredible. I feel like we can take on the world, we're unstoppable.

They all start dancing to Main attraction, as they thought they were just that.
Richille begins the dance with her solo;

Richille: After Regionals Lola left, i tried to not think about it but the studio is bringing me much memories, it was hard losing one of my best friends but I'm getting used to it and jac is still here which is all the better.  This year we are going to crush it, I just know it. Nothing, not drama or relationships will ruin what I do this year.

Ozzy Lifts Richille into a 180 Lift and A troupe cheers loudly, he goes on with his part.

Ozzy: This year we have everything we need, Amazing dancers, technique and groove. We are going to make it to internationals for sure.

Piper comes in after Ozzy finishes.

Piper: After falling on my Ariel at regionals it's fine to fail and that I have to keep going strong and that made me confident enough to apply to a scholarship in New Zealand , I'm going to give it all this year and so will A troupe.

Finn takes piper into a 3 split lift.

Finn: Winning regionals is one of the biggest achievement in my life now the next one should be I get with piper.

Kingston: Now that we're ultimate champions it feels so good to go to nationals and be the best of the best.

Amy: It's amazing to be back here in Studio A and al though I'm an alternate this year I know that I'm going to be great help to the team, I'll do as much as I can to be there in any time of need at any time.

Summer: At regionals we were amazing but at Nationals we'll be Fantastic and hopefully this year I can be dance captain.

Henry: this is the most exciting time ever,  me and summer are solid so nothing can make this better.

Heathcliff: Being an alternate sucks but A troupe is a family and I can't really deny that, I want to stay here even if it means not dancing.

Davis: Today we're celebrating our victory but with all the people we lost it's going to be hard being happy. Kenzie was by best friend but I know that the opportunity was to big to pass on so I can't stay mad at her.

Jacque: it's amazing to know that we're going to nationals but it's hard to now that I won't be able to dance with Noah, he's going to be around us all the time but it just doesn't feel right, what about duets?

Lily: Me and Kingston are great and there's nothing I want more than that. Winning nationals with the team would be a dream come true so that's exactly what I plan on doing.

They all start dancing Coreo and after they pose, the line order:
Amy, Heathcliff, Davis, Summer, Jacque, Ozzy, Richille, Piper, Finn, Kingston, Lily, Henry
Richille being front and center, Ozzy being next and piper (So main and best three).

Michelle and Emily cheer loudly, but wait! Who is that?
Thank you so much for reading!!
I'll keep going with this book and probably start a new one soon but because of school it might take a while to upload on this one so I might just do it once a week or whenever I'm free.
Thank you for the sweet things said and I'm happy you guys are enjoying it.
I know this trashy and very short but I'll try to go a longer one tomorrow.

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