💗C H A P T E R N I N E T E E N 💗

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I go on with my day like nothing happened but try to ignore him as much as I can but when it comes to having rehearsals with B troupe I remember asking Emily to do it with him and so she asks us to arrive now, which I go smiling trying to compress my feelings.

"Okay so start stretching and then we can work on the routine that both me and Ozzy will be making whilst incorporating all your specialties" I speak with confidence without a single stutter and they stretch, Ozzy just checks his phone for the song and then connect to the speakers around the room, when they stretch and we just discuss since we literally just came out of rehearsals and no stretching is needed.

"Well Winnie can just do a 180 split with Marcus what's the problem?" I say and he shakes his head and thinks a bit then sprints up
"We'll make her do a cartwheel off shoulder face away" he says proud and I smile at his ways of being hopeful of himself, he's so amazing in many ways, I just shake my head as if trying to make the feeling of loving him go away which I do helplessly can't, and we start choreographing while everyone was following us. I take the lead and ask the group to split as it's like a rivalry kind of vibe and story.

"Okay, so can Izzy go over and jump into Ethan and he'll spin you like this" I say demonstrating with Ozzy and he brings me up,
"Then I want you," I point at Cleo
"Do a front hand walk over and then get back to the team with two side Ariels, possible?" She nods confused and I keeps going and then someone asks "I'm sorry but Ozzy what's a front tuck?" Winnie asks and I just let my jaw hang open, was she not educated in dance... like ever? Everyone knew what that was at least if you didn't know how to do it you still saw it multiple times. Ozzy looks at me clearly puzzled but takes her to side so we can demonstrate anyways since we can't just leave someone in the dark but Izzy comes to talk, "didn't you literally come yesterday with you solo and do-" Winnie hushes her fast and she stops talking, of course Ozzy not concentrating at all.

He smiles at me before going to the corner with Winnie, was he oblivious enough to think that she needs help? Does he not know that she likes him?, I calm down a bit and go back to the others, "okay and then-" I get interrupted by Winnie clapping rather loudly, more than my ears would please and so I quickly shut her off by yelling, not too loud but just enough for Winnie and the rest of B troupe to hear.

"Look please stop clapping like that, your being really annoying in my opinion" she looks shocked as do the rest of the class and Ozzy with them all definitely not excepting what I said, I ignore him and go back to teaching they all get into position while me and Ozzy help them.

After rehearsals
Winnie took me to the side and I yanked my shoulder away from hers "please don't touch me like that again, and yes what do you want?" She looks at me and frowns
"Why do you hate me so much?" I sarcastically laugh and begin talking "all you do is do that thing were you pretend to not know stuff fo ether sake of getting Ozzy's attention" I snap and she looks at me with wide eyes, "He probably has a girlfriend and your always being clingy around him" I might or might have not went a bit too far as she's much younger than me, only three years, but I wasn't about to let her praise my boyfriend while flirting with him all the time.

With that I walk out and see him texting someone but shuts his phone away once he sees me and comes over to me hugging me and I stand a bit higher than I am while he leans down and we connect for a few seconds before then pull away, I smile at him and he kisses my forehead
"I love you you know?"
"I love you too" I couldn't help but let the biggest smile on my face appear, so much for trying to ignore him. He grabs his keys and we head off.

We arrive home and I was looking at my phone trying to understand how Dove was feeling in the Scene yet Ozzy interrupts my session in the car by parking and then getting out but I was too focused to rarely notice him, he opens the door and I smile widely then kiss him on the cheek.
"Thanks' babe" He grabs my hand and we enter the house.
<> Thank you for reading!!
<> Thank you'd o much for 1.54k you guys are amazing, I couldn't be happier and it's because you read my book. I love you all so much💕
<> this is so short I apologize and it doesn't have anything in it except a bunch of fluff cause that's what I felt like writing.
<> I can't wait for school to start again, fun right? Just one week and I'll be off to school, why do I make it sound depressing😂😂.
<>I hope you enjoyed this chapter, don't forget to vote!
<> please leave suggestions in the comments
<> Word count: 827

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