🥺C H A P T E R F I V E🥺

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I get ready for the rehearsals for me and ozzy's duet, I told him to meet me at my personal studio.
We should go there everyday this week and the weekend next one at 6 AM.

I put on light make up and let my curled my hair

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I put on light make up and let my curled my hair. I took my car and drove to the studio, it's 15 minutes away.

I go there and see Ozzy already here, I've took him and the gang here a few times before for dances that we all do together.
He was stretching so I go over and hug him then do the same.
"Okay so Emily said that we have to do a contemporary piece" he nods and we try to look for a song
"How about shallow by" Ozzy says but I interrupt excitedly
"Lady Gaga" I have wanted to do a duet on this song for so long but since I have very specific lifts I can't do it with Jacque.
We start but for some reason Ozzy has been acting very weird and when I try to add a lift or a kind of tense and difficult part he disagrees, this has to be amazing and he doesn't even care. I have to stop this.
I pause the song and cross my arms.
"We only have some choreography done but nothing else, why are you being so damn distant?" I ask.
"No Richille and I'm not being distant" I shake my head and try to ask
"How about we do a Arabesque?"
"That's not necessary" he reply's and I sigh
"Apparently neither is partner work" I go and sit on the bench and drink water and he sits next to me so I take a sip and talk.
"What's wrong oz?" I soften
"You wouldn't get it Richille"
"Well may be I can at least help if you tell me"
"I kind of" he pauses and then sighs
"Like this girl" I feel this feeling in my stomach; I hate the thought of Ozzy liking someone.
Wait why do I care? He dated lily months ago and I was fine with it, but I had Elliot so it was okay.
Do I like Ozzy?
"Richie" he says while snapping his fingers
"Yeah I'm fine; who is it?"
"Not telling, anyways while you zoned out while I was asking my question"
"Well how do I tell her I like her?"
"Most girls like a gesture so some flowers would be nice and may be some daily stuff so she feels like you actually like her, like may be a complementing her every time she puts work in her outfit or if she's a mess tell her she looks beautiful in your eyes, you know?"
"Thank you Richille" we hug and he looks much better so when I want a lift he actually accepts.

5 hours later
We were packing our dance bags and Ozzy stops me and turns me to look at him.
I laugh a bit,
"Richille your the girl I like" I feel like the whole world just stopped, it was amazing to hear him say that but I don't know why, I don't believe that I like my best friend. My rules.
Oh god I've been staring for too long.
"Richille you zoned out again"
"So the date?" He looks so nervous it's actually really cute, a date won't do much and the rule technically isn't broken if we aren't dating only a date, or may be a few.
"Sure oz" I say with a huge smile and he picks me up while spinning me around and I laugh the whole time.
"Okay so I'll pick you up at 8" He puts me down and we go out separate ways.

Next chapter is their date. I'm so excited tbh😂
Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter I'm sorry it's short but the next one will be very long and I think I'll update today after school!

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