Chapter 20: freinds come in handy

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Jar Jar and sidious were disappointed the battle of Hoth had failed and once again the empire lost.

Jar Jar had other things to worry about like convincing the boy to come to the Dark side Jar Jar had a plan.

Jar Jar told Sidious to tell Vader to help bring the boy to the dark side, Sidious bowed. Jar Jar looked on the navigation system of the star destroyer and blip on the radar decected an x wing heading towards the planet of Daghobah, Jar Jar knew Dagobah was a very force sensitive planet jar Jar knew from a legend that there was a Jedi rumour that grand master Yoda went into exile there.

Jar Jar rushed to the hanger and got in his ship and flew to Dagobah,

When Jar Jar landed and got off his ship he could feel the energy of the force flowing through the planet.

Jar Jar thought he could manipulate the force energy and trick Yoda if he was still there and the boy it would be the greatest trick.

Through the misty swamp as he trudged through the muck Jar Jar finally found a dark cave this would be perfect to pull off the trick he thought.

Jar Jar stood in the darkest bowels of the cave he closed his eyes and manuvered his hands as if he was trying to cast a spell.

He concentrated to his fullest and moved all the force energy with his mind and directed the power to the cave.

As he was doing this he thought about Vader and suddenly from the muck arose a manifestation of Vader it was Vader but with the boys face this will surely trick the boy.

Jar Jar lowered his hands and the Vader manifestation disappeared into the mud ready for when the boy enters the cave.

The blast of the force when Jar Jar lowered his arms let out a powerful wave that sent wildlife mad they were all running around as if they were insane.

Jar Jar stepped from the cave and saw the little green alien sitting on a log the rumors were true he did reside there but he didn't want to interfere.

It seemed the force surge got to the green man's brain and he started making funny noises just like it did to the animals he was beginning to act all funny.

This was perfect because the green aliens can't train the boy if he's acting insane.

The force surge was so strong it made an X wing crash into the planet as it hit the atmosphere.

This was the boy he was here and now was the time for the plan to take hold.

Jar Jar saw a boy get out from his ship he found Yoda eventually the effects of the force surge he created made Yoda mess with the boys stuff.

The force surge Jar Jar created made Yoda forget he was the grand master the boy said he was looking for.

Jar Jar stood crouched in a bush for months watching the forgetful Yoda train the boy.

Jar Jar watched the boy jump, stand on his head practicing the force trying to lift a single stone for months Jar Jar thought the boy will become more powerful once he his trained he could feel it within him.

Finally Jar Jar watched the boy finally lift a rock he was finally getting better.

The boy was at the edge of the lake with his hand raisee trying to lift his sunken X wing from the swamp water but it didn't work.

Jar Jar thought this was pathetic how could a boy told to be strong in the force not lift his X wing?.

The force surge wore off and Jar Jar watched Yoda admit that he was actually grand master and led him to the cave.

Jar Jar heard this and walked straight into the dephs of the cave and hid so the boy couldn't see him.

Once more Jar Jar raised his hands and the manifestation of Vader rose out of the mud the breathes echoed throughout the cave.

Jar Jar watched the boy walk through the cave and find the Vader manifestation and strike him down. The mask ripped apart and he saw his own face.

The boy saw the truth but he didn't quite know it yet

The boy left the cave and ran to Yoda Jar Jar watched the boy sit on a log and he asked Yoda about his farther.

A ghost of Obi wan appeared before the boy and he told lies to the boy he watched as Obi wan's ghost told him the boys farther was striked down by Vader Jar Jar from his memories of the clone war was unimpressed he told lies for it wasn't the Jedi way and back then he never lied.

This was good thing because this meant that Jar Jar would get Vader himself to reveal the truth everything on these terms was going to plan. And once Vader revealed the truth it was up to three of them to turn the boy to the dark side.

Jar Jar watched the boy on the edge of the swamp with his hand raised once again but he couldn't do it Jar Jar was full of disappointment suddenly the Xwing rose from the swamp and Jar Jar was suddenly impressed.

But it was only Yoda raising the X wing not the boy. Jar Jar was disappointed but impressed Yoda still had his power.

Jar Jar watched the boy get in his ship and fly off.

Jar Jar walked deep in the swamps and took off to the star destroyer to meet up with Vader and his apprentice.

He told his apprentice that the boy is trained and Vader will still do the job of revealing the truth to the boy so they can presuade him to the dark side.

There plan was all coming true.

Vader suggested that Jar Jar find some bounty hunters so that they can arrest the boys crew to make it easier to get to turn him.

Jar jar promised to find the best bounty hunter in the galaxy and made his way to the hangar bay and set course in search for a bounty hunter.

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