Chapter 23: new hope for the empire

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Jar Jar got to the star destroyer and his apprentice in his black cloak was stood there  in the hangar bay with his imperial troops lined up he had something to present his master

There was a crate full of machine parts Sidious was holding what looked like blue prints and pointed at Jar Jar  " i have made the death star more powerful they can't deafeat us now' Sidious cackled
he moved forward and the imperial troops stepped aside so Jar Jar and his apprentice could get through.

They waved through the row of storm troopers and looked out the hanger bay doors into the abyss of space.

Sidious pointed his finger and the metal pieces rose up from the box, The parts floated into the blackness of space and he put them in place.

Jar Jar looked at his master and raised his finger and the surface of the death star with defence systems in place and Jar Jar gestured his hands building around the generator building an interior using the force.

Sidious used both hands to keep the structure still while Jar Jar builds the interior.

They both stopped and dropped their hands of course the new death star was complete and this time  they thought nobody could destroy it.

Suddenly the bounty hunter Jar Jar hired for Vader came to the hangar bay Jar Jar he informed Jar Jar and his apprentice Jabba requested the bounty hunter  he keep a watchful eye on the carbonated corpse of Solo incase anybody rescues him.

As agreed with Jabba Jar Jar let the bounty hunter go " May the dark side of the force be with you" said Jar Jar bowing to the bounty hunter as he made his way to his ship. Jar Jar watched him blast off to Tatooine.

The two were happy the death star two was complete so it was time for them ti make it their new base Jar Jar went upstairs to the star destroyers captain  and ordered him to land in the death star two hanger,

The moved slowly inside and landed the bay doors moved down and imperial troops walked down and got ready.

Jar Jar and Sidious walked round they looked around good and it seemed like Sidious was pleased with the architecture  " good " he said looking around in a menacing tone as pleased as can be.

Jar Jar wandered with Sidious upstairs and saw the newly constructed throne room, Sidious walked up the stairs and sat on the throne his mouldy deformed face gave a grin as he sat rubbing his hands together happily.

Jar Jar went into a side room next to the throne room and pushed a button suddenly all the defences and everything electrical came on everything was now fully operational.

Jar Jar stepped out of the shadows and told his apprentice soon Vader will bring the boy  up and they shall  finally turn him.

Upon hearing this Sidious was pleased that the time was nearly here the moment of truth was nearly upon them.

With all his force powers Jar Jar felt a disturbance he could feel the bounty hunter get hit  by a lightsaber and fall into a sarlacc pit.

Jar Jar felt it was the boy's saber that hit the bounty hunter into the pit.
Jar Jar was ashamed that he had lost another good alliance 

Jar Jar could feel how strong the boy had grown into and told his apprentice it would be hard to turn him to the dark.

Sidious could feel how strong the boy was too he could sense it through the force he  told Jar Jar he could feel that the boy had less limitations unlike the Jedi council did in the before days he could tell he had more emotion to let out than the Jedi had that is what could make the boy slip up and loose control.

Jar Jar proposed to Sidious that the boy shall fight his farther lord Vader and only then will the boys emotions get to him and then they can turn him.

Sidious smiled and thought this was a great idea all was coming together nicely.

Sidious asked Jar Jar to go to the planet of Endor and activate the shield system so they could deflect the rebel blaster fire when they attack. Jar Jar bowed And gestured imperial troops to come with him and went to his ship and set course for the forrest moon.

He finally landed on the forest moon and when he got off the ship the forest was dense when he walked the leaved crunched as he walked by with the imperial troops.

Out on the edge of the forrest Jar Jar and the imperial troops saw a bunker this was the generator his apprentice told him about.

He waved his hand in front of the blast doors and they opened he went inside and it was dark there were pillars generating power for the shield he got in between the pillars and saw a red lever Jar Jar curled his finger forward using the force to pull the lever down.

Finally it was on Jar Jar saw electric flicker between the pillars, Jar Jar walked outside with the storm troopers and looked up in the sky the grey/blue shielding was starting to form around the structure now it wouldn't stand the might of the rebels but was affraid they'd try to turn it off.

But gladly there was no worry Jar Jar had an entire imperial army at their hands and nothing could stop them.

Jar Jar waved his hand at the door and used the force to slam it shut to ensure that nobody not even the rebels could get in.

Jar Jar slammed the door so hard with the force it got stuck this was good for jar Jar because now nobody could get in not even his own troops.

Jar Jar went back with the imperial troops to his ship and flew back to the death star two.

Now everything was complete all Jar Jar had to do was wait to proceed the final part of the plan.

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