Who is she

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Stephanie McMahon: and our last draft of the year the nightmare herself RHEA RIPLEY.

The crowd goes wild


20 minutes later

Rhea's POV
I walk into the big building to do my match against Dakota tonight. Almost as soon as I walk in I get lost. Wow that awesome. Lost and I haven't even been here for a solid 2 minutes. No friends no nothing.

Roman: well you have that beautiful body. As he slap her butt she quickly turn around.

Rhea: and you are with a little smile on her face. And ps that hurt you know that right!!

Roman: Roman reigns the big dog. And it was supposed to hurt believe me. And you are

Rhea:  rhea ripley laughs and coughs

Roman: and what does that mean as he wrap his hands around her waist.

Rhea: we-

Seth: hey Roman if your done flirting with her we can go to gorilla. So come on as he walk over there hi I'm seth and bye because we have to go as he yank Roman arm.

Rhea: oh ok, but wait could you show me around because like I'm really lost and I don't wanna go to the wrong place

Dean: down the hall to the left.and there's the locker room.

Rhea: thanks babe

Roman: you know her?? Y'all are dating or something.

Rhea: oh no we aren't dating I just call people that.

Roman: oh ok. Bye rherhe can I call you that.

Rhea: yea sure

Roman: I'll show you later tho.

Rhea: ok bye

The shield music play they went out

After the match

The shield went backstage with a win over the what family.

Rhea: congrats babe as she jump on him while hug him.

Roman: didn't expect that

Aliyah: look at her all o er him

Dakota: right we should be with him and he chooses her over us.
Heck no!!

Becky: he don't want y'all leave them alone they are cute together. Don't y'all try nothing stupid or she'll throw yall. Ian playing.

Dakota: shut up Becky I hear something.

Aliyah: what you here

Dakota: becky biscuit burned

Aliyah: hunny if your gonna say that you should've said you smell something instead of hear. You need more knowledge. As she walk off

Rhea walk into a big locker room

Sasha: hi I'm Sasha

Becky: I'm becky

Rhea: rhea ripley

She met everyone.

Roman: Knock Knick

Sasha opens the door

Roman: rherhe, babygirl lets go.

Rhea: coming babe.

Zeline: babe?? Babygirl?? No one tells me anything. Are y'all a thing??

Rhea: no we just mentally say that outta the blue.

Zelina: oh ok

Becky: go get you some of that hotness. I see you

Rhea: Becky shut up she say playfully. I'll see y'all later.

Roman: bye

Everyone: bye

Roman: oh and liv come here

Liv: yes??

Roman: are you coming home with me?? Or you going home with someone else.

Liv: well Mandy already asked.

Roman: ok be safe as he squeezed her tight while giving her a little peck on the lips.

Rhea: what am I missing here??

Roman: your front tooth

Rhea: hahaha so funny she say sarcastically while rolling her eyes.

Liv: he's like my dad she said with a squeaky voice

Roman: yea she's like my daughter.

Rhea: why'd you-

Liv: he always kisses me in the lips.

Rhea: oh ok.

Roman gave her a tour and then he drop her off at home.

Rhea's pov

I think I have feeling for Roman. Idk why!! Maybe if I don't hang around him the feeling will go away.

Roman's POV

I think I have feeling for rhea and I don't think she likes me back an I won't ask her. But as I was thinking about her I just went to take a shower and fell asleep I. My bed!!

What up folks as y'all can see I made a new book and this is the first chapter.

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