Well well well

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The next morning

Rhea's pov

I wake up in the morning to a knock on the door. I run down the stairs to see she's who it was. I opened the door an I see Roman. Well well well. What do you ou want Roman. I know you thought I'd be happy to see you but I really don't care that you here.

Roman: look I was the dummy to leave you. I shouldn't have. I really need you and I tried to date again and it just didn't work out. I'm sorry Rhea. I really am. Please take me back. I need you in my life. Even though we don't have our baby girl it doesn't matter anymore we can start over.

Rhea: what's in it for me??

Roman: I buy you food whenever you want me to.

Rhea: fine.

Roman then grabs her waist and kisses her.

Roman: can I move in or you wanna move back in with me??

Rhea: I'll move back in with you. But i have a surprise for you. I then run upstairs quickly and wake Nicole up from he sleep. Baby come on I have a surprise for you.

Nicole: what is it??

Rhea: just get up and come see.

Nicole: fine but it better be good. We then started to walk downstairs.

Nicole: who is he??

Rhea: your daddy.

Roman: is that... It can't be..... My...... Daughter??

Rhea: it very much is your daughter.

Roman: Jesus. Come her baby

Nicole then started to charge towards him.

Nicole's pov

After seeing my mommy and daddy. I just I can't believe it. I love my family. I'm so happy to have my mommy and daddy.

Roman's POV

It like heaven to have the girl of my dream and my baby back in my life. They were the missing part of my heart and I finally found them. I have them back and my life is complete.

Another chapter enjoy!! I hope y'all enjoy yall day. Please vote and comment I'm out of here!! 💙💜

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