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........ : you miss me??

Bianca: well well well if it isn't aliyah.

Aliyah: hi guys. Rhea I'm not mad at you for taking Roman from me anymore.

Rhea: like I give an f if you cared or not but whatever. Cool.

Aliyah : I want y'all to meet Elie.

Elie: hi I'm Elie this is my mommy. And I'm 5 years old.

Rhea: I'm Rhea.

Elie: your really pretty.

Rhea: aww thank you. So when's your birthday??

Elie: may 14 2015

Rhea: oh ok as she let out a breath of relief.

Rhea's pov

Elie can't be my daughter because my daughter was born February 24 2015. And she was born may 14 2015.

Aliyah: I heard that your baby went missing 5 years ago, sorry to hear that. And I had a feeling you guys was gonna blame me for taking your baby. So I came here just to let yall know that she's not your baby.

Rhea: I know that now.

Aliyah: bye

Shayna: bye

Aliyah left with Elie.

Bianca : is it just me or do you smell something frootie about that being her child.

Shayna: why is that??

Bianca: because well no body will ever want aliyah now body has ever wanted Aliyah. So I feel she lied to Elie or Nicole about her birthday or she told Elie or Nicole to lie about her birthday.

Rhea: that's smart. And your mean. Why you have to say it like that.

Bianca: for real tho. So tonight we are gonna call Aliyah back and tell her she can stay. That way she'll bring Elie back. Well take some of her hair and some of your hair and see the DNA. If it's a match she's your daughter. How about that??

Rhea and shayna: black people are always smart. Why can't we be that smart.

Rhea: Shay stop coping me.

Shayna: you stop coping me.

Bianca: hey both of y'all shut your pine holes.

Bianca called aliyah.

Aliyah: hello??

Bianca: we felt bad for blaming you so we wanted to know if you wanted to come stay the night with us so we can hang out??

Aliyah: yea sure is Elie allowed to come??

Bianca: yea

Aliyah: great I'll go home and get some changing clothes and elie's clothes and we'll be back.

Bianca: cool.

Aliyah: bye

Bianca: bye.

End of the conversation

Bianca: we got her right where we want her.

Rhea: heck yea this is about to be the best but worst night of my life.

Shayna: don't you guys think she'll notice some one is suspicious??

Rhea: aliyah is also dumb I don't think we have a problem with that.

Shayna: time to get this plan activated!!! This is gonna be a lot of fun!!

Hi guys me with another chapter I bet you guys thought this would be the chapter where I reveal who the baby the of is huh?? Not quite there yet. Hopefully I don't keep you guys waiting hopefully it'll be in the next chapter. As always please vote and comment I'm out!! 🥰

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