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This was it the time to see if this is her daughter all along. The DNA is 100% NOT a match.

Bianca: holl up dawg this ain't right something fruity about this DNA test

Shayna: I know that is your daughter rhea I just know it is.

Rhea: guys DNA don't lie. She said sadly.

Bianca: well this test is a lie. There it is. The name says Johnson Jennifer and Johnson Lucas. This isn't your test rhea. There's still a possibility that sue indeed your daughter.

Shayna and Bianca then went to the doctor again and tells them she had the wrong DNA test.

Bianca: umm this isn't our DNA test. Ours where Demi Bennett and Nicole Bennett.

Doctor: I'm sorry as he hands her the right DNA.

Bianca: thanks they took the papers and went home.

Rhea: so let's see it.

The test was 100% a match.

Rhea: that little baby thief.

Aliayah: hey guys have y'all seen

Rhea: Nicole?? As she interrupts her. She is my baby and you took her from me. And you lied to her about her birthday and changed her name. Why would you do that?? If you want kids you could've had your own kids. Not take mine.

Aliyah: because you stole Roman from me so I stole Nicole from you.

Rhea: I'm gonna call the cops.

30 minutes later The cops then pulled up.

Cop: your under arrest for the kidnapping of Nicole Bennett.

Elie: where are they taking my mommy??

Bianca: baby she's not your mommy she kidnapped you. She's your mom as she points to rhea.

Rhea: hey baby

Elie: why'd she take me from you??

Rhea: because she said I took your dad from her. But they weren't together and aliyah is not attractive anyways. What he said not me. Your name is Elie your name is Nicole and your birthday is February 24 2015 not May 14 2015. She lied to you about your birthday.

Nicole: so were is my daddy??

Rhea: he broke up with me a day or two after you went missing. Cus he blame me for it and I wouldn't talk to him so he broke up with me. He hasn't been at work in 5 years and I haven't seen him.

Nicole: aren't you gonna try to get him back??

Rhea: I've tried 1000 times but he hasn't been answering me.

Rhea then post on her story. Got my baby back @nicolebennet15

Rhea: let's go shower.

Nicole: ok........... Mommy

Rhea: go get your- you called me mommy.

Nicole: yes I did.

Rhea: I love you baby girl

Nicole: I love you to mommy!!

Rhea's POV
After the shower we spent all our time talking to each other and learning about each other and it was awesome to have my baby back. And I really don't need Roman but she do.

Hi guys another chapter. So aliyah is the the baby thief. What do you guys think about that. Please vote and comment!! Have an awesome day!! 🥰❤️

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