Busy day

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That next morning

Roman's POV

I wake up and look at my phone. I had 10 iMessages I quickly opened them.

My nightmare ❤️❤️: you wanna hang out??

Me: what time??

The architect🤩🤦🏽‍♀️ what you Bro?? You wanna hang out??

Me: rhea asked me to too what time??

Big dummy dean🤪 me and Seth hangin our you comin??

Me: idk

The big dogs man!! ❤️❤️ Tell Sash that I'm a better champion than her.

Me: I love you Becky I really do but can't do that cause I'm not finna have neither one of y'all mad at me. Love you little sis!! ❤️❤️❤️

Bossy ditch🥰😍❤️ (b word) tell becks I'm better than her at being a champion.

Me: sorry baby sis can't do that!! Ask Becky why!!

Cuzzo jimmy💪🏽🤙🏽 me and jey going to see annabelle comes home you going with us it be lit we all three of us hang out!!??

Me: yea I am what time?? I hope it's tonight cause I gotta hang out with other people today too.

Cuzzo jey🦾🤙🏽 jimmy always best you at asking questions so why am I even texting?? I know he already don't sent a darn message. But hii!!!

Me: hii jey

My babygirl ❤️🥰😍😘 hey daddy me and Alexa and Mandy is going to get our nails done you wanna come??

Me: heck no. Maybe you texted the wrong person.

Roman's POV

After I responded to all the message I got in the shower. When I got out I went over to mandys house to get liv so I could take her to the hair supplies store or whatever. Hopefully they back from getting they're nails done.

Liv's POV

Hurry up Lexi drive fast I have to be ready by the time Roman gets to mandy house because he is gonna drive me to the hair supplies store.

You better wait girl. Why you didn't ask me to take you.

Liv: because we'll you drive slower than my grandma tryna make it to the bathroom.

Alexa: well that's rude now we are here

Liv's POV

I see Roman sitting there in his car with it crunk.

Liv: hi dad I just need to go change my clothes and I'll be back soon ok??

Roman: whatever.

Alexa&Mandy: hey romey!!!

Roman: yes y'all can go to Ik that's what y'all were gonna ask.

Alexa: how'd you know

Roman: y'all only do that when y'all want something.

Mandy: how'd you know

Roman: I know y'all!!! Now hurry up and get dressed.

Lexi: ok


Roman: y'all ready to go??

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Roman: y'all ready to go??

Ladies: yes

Roman: let's go.

At the hair store

Mandy's POV

As we walk into the hair store I see some hair conditioner I haven't used yet me Lexi and liv all looked at each other and ran for it by time we were there Roman had took it.

Alexa: HEY NO FAIR YOU CHEATED!!! She say pouting.


Roman: I got it first

Liv: can I please have it?? Please daddy as she Polk her bottom lip out while kissing his cheek please??

Roman ...... I-

Ladies: please I want it

Mandy: will y'all stop coping me??

Lexi: hey I said that first stop it

Liv: stop copying me. Stop this it this instant. Stop it!!

Mandy&alexa: ok mom they say sarcastically.

Mandy: I really need it.

Lexi: my hair is bushy I need it more.

Liv: I just want it because they want my hair fine give it!!

Roman: woah woah woah stop fussing I decided I'll give it to zelina for her birthday tomorrow since y'all wanna fight about. He got her some lip gloss hair dye for what idk he got her makeup and lipstick. Ponytails holders and new clothes.

Alexa: oh go to-

Roman:NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!! I'm tired of driving NO!! I am not driving anywhere else I driven to 6 different places and I'm not going no where else but home. Let's go.

Lexi: fine meany

Roman: ok fine where do you wanna go??

Lexi: I wanna go back to the hair store.

Roman: I love you so dearly much but heck no!!

Alexa: ok I'll go some other time.

At home

Rhea's POV

I'm sitting in the coffee waiting for shayna so I can talk to her about her crush. She told me to meet her here so she could tell me who she like.

Shayna walks in

Shayna: hey rhea

Rhea: about time now who is he??

Shayna: I like ....

Rhea: tell me shay please

Shayna: fine I like dean. He's really cute!! And his arm are so big.

Rhea: DEFINITELY not as big as Roman's.

Shayna: yea they are stop doubting his arm skills.

Rhea: whatever Shayna.

Shayna: now I have to go because we'll I'm late.

Rhea: wow!!! Late for what??

Shayna: I'm not telling you that as she walk out the door. She never tells me anything she say as she playfully rolls her eyes.

Liv:  I hope he get me all that stuff for my birthday. Shoot.

Alexa start dying laughing

Mandy: why you so mad that he got her a present.

Liv: he never give me anything for my birthday. Dang birthday gift he can kiss I-

Roman: LIVVVVVV!!!!!

Liv: what

Roman: did you just say I didn't get you anything for your birthday??

Liv: exactly

Roman: stop lying because we'll, I got you like 20 present last year.

Liv: dang it.

Roman: I'm going home I need some sleep.

At home

Roman's POV

When I got home I went upstairs to take a shower and then I went down stairs to turn off all the light and I went back up stairs after grabbing 3 cookies and milk to gobble it all down. After that I went to sleep. Today was a busy day!!

Hey guys me again with the second chapter please vote even though most people don't because well they stubborn.

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