I cant believe it

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The next day

Rhea's POV

I wake up and take a shower. When I get out I here the doorbell I wrap a towel around me and walk to the door.

Rhea: Hey Roman what are you doing here??

Roman: Well I just thought since I was droppin through I'd drop by and say hi.

Rhea: hi

Roman: so as he walk into her house and shut the door.

Rhea: umm.... can I help you??

Roman: I'm just gonna sit down.

Rhea: I just got the shower.

Roman: so what??

Rhea: I'll go get dressed.

Roman slides up and put his hand on her waist.

Roman: don't

Rhea: I can't go anywhere with this towel on.

Roman: I want you.

Rhea: well I want you to so what do we do now.

Roman: well I'm your boyfriend now.

Rhea: and I'm your girlfriend.

Roman: so...

Rhea: baby we can't do this it will mess up our career. I'm final getting a chance at the raw belt and I really want it.

Roman: so career over your boyfriend.

Rhea: baby we just started dating what do you mean.

Roman: I DONT CARE about us just start dating now that you have a boyfriend you outta be getting work out the way.

Rhea: oh god here goes the argument on our first day.

Roman: dang right. It's a shame you don't wanna have sex with your own boyfriend.

Rhea: well it's not my fault. we have been dating for about 1 minute now. I'm not ready yet ok. Just because another girl got your manhood well I'm not her ok. So just slow down.

She run upstairs with her towel on her body.

Roman: I'm leaving as he walk out the door slamming it.

Rhea's POV

I honestly cannot believe I said that to him. But I'm not ready and was really pushing my button. As I get dressed I grab my keys and went to becky's house.

Becky's POV

As I here the doorbell I go down stairs to see who could be here early in the morning. I open the door and I see rhea crying.

Becky: what wrong babygirl come in

Colby: becks who is it.

Becky: it's rhea. Now why are you crying??

Rhea: me and Roman are dating now.

Becky: girl you sad about that?? I wouldn't be cause he the hottest boy around.

Rhea: it's not that but we had a argument on our first day of dating and that's not good.

Becky: what was the argument about??

Rhea: about sex he wanted to do it and I didn't.

Becky: you turned him down??

Rhea: it's just because we'll I'm focusing on my career right now and getting the raw belt.

Becky: he thinks you blurting work before y'all relationship isn't he.

Rhea: yes how'd you know??

Becky: well because me and Seth was like that. He wanted to have sex and I didn't because I had just won the raw belt and he thought that I was putting work before him.

Rhea: how'd you get him to forgive you??

Becky: I had sex with him. But I made it like I wanted to have it instead of just trying to get him to not be mad at me anymore.

Rhea: thanks becks I gotta go.

Becky: your welcome babygirl take it easy ok.

Rhea: ok as she walk out the door.

Becky's POV

After giving her that advice I walk back upstairs and get in the bed with seth. Hey babe.

Colby: hey baby as they kiss Becky starts to get on top of seth. He then started to squeeze her butt.

Becky: moans seth name

Seth: I love you baby as he start to stick his tongue in her mouth. Then his phone go off.

Seth: who is it bro


Roman: hey bro me and rhea had our first argument on our first day of dating.

Me: she just came and talked to Becky so idk what is going on.

Roman: ok thank Bro

Me: your welcome!

I put my phone down

Seth: where were we

Becky: make out session as she get back on top of him and start kissing on his neck.

Rhea's POV

I drive all the way to Roman's house because I wanna fix things. As I approach his house I pray for the best and then get out of my car.

Rhea knocks

Roman's POV

I here someone knocking on my door. I opened it to see rhea.

Roman: what do you want??

Rhea: baby I'm sorry I made it seem like it was work before our relationship.

Roman: give me one good reason why I should forgive you.

Rhea: cause if you don't you won't get nun.

Roman: dang that's a good inn reason come in I guess.

Rhea pushes him on the couch and then locks his door. She then get on top of him and start to kiss him.

Roman: you ready for the big dog??

Rhea: yes!!

Roman: let's take this upstairs as he carry her up all 36 stairs.

In the bedroom

He then pushes her on the bed and shut the door and locks it.

He then start to kiss all over her.

Rhea: wait do you have condoms??

Roman: yes as he puts one on.

Rhea starts back to kiss his head then starts to take off her shirt as squeezing her boobs.

Rhea: baby that hurt a little less hard.

Roman: whatever you want baby

He then begin to take off her bra. And sucks on her nipples.

Rhea: moans Roman

They took off each other's clothes and he put his manhood inside her.

Roman: baby you ready.

Rhea: Moans Roman your manhood is so big going into me.

Roman: I love you babygirl they began to kiss again.

After all the disgustingness.

Rhea's POV

After our little sex session we put our clothes back on. And talk a little.

Hi guys me again dirty chapter but y'all will live I hope. Enjoy!!! ❤️

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