Good for you

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Rhea's POV

Roman doesn't know that I really didn't wanna have sex with him or with anyone. But I had to do it for him to forgive me but I glad I did do it cause now I'm not a virgin anymore. And plus he's not mad at me anymore.

Roman: babe??

Rhea: what is it baby??

Roman: did you only have sex with me because I was mad at you or because you wanted to do it??

Rhea: well I'm not gonna lie, I did it so you would be mad at me anymore but I loved it and I really look forward to doing it again I'm glad I did it.

Roman: at least you like it.

Rhea: at least I liked it as they kiss. I love you baby.

Roman: l love you more as they start to kiss again.

Rhea: I gotta go I'll be back sooner than later.

Roman: ok bye

Rhea: bye baby

as she get out the bed he slap her butt.

Rhea: owww!!! That hurt.

Roman: sorry not my fault I hit hard. Just used to it.

Rhea: mmm..

In her car

Rhea's POV

I'm going to bianca's house. Because all of my friends are there. As I pull in her drive way I go straight in her house no we don't knock when we go to each other's house. As I run up the stairs I walk into her girls room.

Shayna: why are you in such a hurry??

Rhea: I have to tell you guys something.

Becky: what is it

Sasha: can't wait to here this.

Rhea: we did it!

Carmella: did what??

Rhea: we had sex

Zelina: porque no why rhea??

Rhea: it was the only way I could get him to forgive me.

Sasha: yay!! Good for you she says sarcastically.

Rhea: you know what is your problem??

Sasha: my problem is that you took Roman from me.

Rhea: what do you mean??

Sasha: he broke up with me for you.

Rhea: well I wasn't tryna take him from you.

Sasha: well you did she said whining tears from her eyes running out the door.

Becky: sash- I'll go get her

Sasha's POV

I run down stairs into the living run under the table where they can't find me and cry my eyes out.

Becky: sash where are you?? If he really loved you he wouldn't have broke up with you don't worry about it Enzo is open.

Sasha: go away

Becky: what the heck where are you

Sasha: I'm not telling you.

Becky looks everywhere and final look under the table.

Becky: finally, come back upstairs and talk to us.

Sasha: no

Becky: yes



Becky: ok we are back.

Sasha: she dragged me back I don't wanna be back.

Rhea: sash I promise i did try to take him from you and I didn't even know y'all were dating I swear I wouldn't take home from you on purpose.

Sasha: I know. But I still love him.

Rhea: I know and I'm gonna break up with him.

Sasha: don't!! Yea he done me dirty but don't.

Rhea: ok

Bianca's POV

For the rest of the day we sat and chit chat and ate and till we all went home it was a fun day.

Another chapter please vote waist of time typing but whatever and stay safe and healthy

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