What happened

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Rhea's pov
So it is officially Monday. We have Monday night raw tonight. So I pack my bags to surprise all my fans and make my return. They haven't really heard out if me since my last time on raw so hopefully they will be happy to see me and haven't forgot about me. Anyways, as I was packing my bag Nicole started to cry.

Rhea: Nicole!! Why you have to keep crying she says in a baby voice. And drag herself to Nicole's room.

Nicole crystal louder

Rhea: okay baby calm down as she pick her up and starts to oat her gently. Baby calm down.

Nicole stops crying

Rhea: is Roman home?? She then goes down stairs after hearing the door shut. Roman?? You there she slowly goes down the stairs. Babe stop playing with me!! Where are you. Don't you wanna see your daughter?? I guess your not here then!!! She then turns around to go back upstairs and get knocked out from behind.

....... : this is my baby. Then drops the bat on the floor.

This person then tales the baby and runs out the door.

2 hours later

Roman: bae?? Babe wake up?? Are you ok??

Rhea: no someone hit in the back of the head and knocked me out where's Nicole??

Roman: I'm supposed to ask you that. Rhea?? Please tell me you didn't lose our child.

Rhea: I don't know where she went!! I promise I don't!!

Roman: so our baby is missing?? You better be joking. I'm not playing.

Rhea: Idk where she went to because I came down here to see if you were home because I heard the door shut. And so just thought you were messing with me. But no answer so I to it was just Luna picking at the door. I turned around to go back upstairs and then I don't remember what happened after that babe I'm sorry I didn't try to lose out baby and I know your gonna be mad at me and I know I'm a bad mother she started to talk fast she then run upstairs crying.

Roman: babe you aren't a bad mother.  It's not your fault ok?? Just calm down.

Rhea: I am a bad mom. I let our daughter get kidnapped or babynapped which it isn't the time for jokes. I'm going to go look for her.

Roman:  I'm coming to.

Rhea: let's go as she grabbed her truck keys.

4:00 A. M

Roman: babe did you find her??

Rhea: no she said with tears in her eyes.

Roman: it's ok babe let's go home.

At home

Rhea: I'm gonna go shower.

Roman: ok babe. Please don't do anything stupid.

Rhea: no promises.

Roman: promise me! Because what happens if we find our baby and she doesn't have her mother. Then it'll be your fault that she was kidnapped and that she don't have a mother. Because well it's already your fault she's missing.

Rhea has a hurt and sad look on her face.

Rhea: you told me it wasn't my fault.

Roman: I'm sorry baby that came out wrong as he grab her wrist. She yanked her wrist back and run upstairs so upset.

After her shower

Rhea's pov

I honestly can't believe he said that to me. He told me it wasn't my fault. Then he blamed me for it. After drowning in my tears while I was in the tub I had a head ache so I brushed my teeth and went to sleep thinking about our sweet baby girl Nicole. Mommy loves you baby keep holding on I'm gonna find you and I'm going to save you I promise. I love you baby, forever!!!! Then I fall asleep.

Ok so here is another chapter I hope y'all enjoy this!! Um... What do you guys think please vote and comment! ❤️💙=💜

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