Our worst argument

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The next morning

Rhea's POV

I wake up to hearing a loud hitting noise and that was Roman hitting his alarm clock.

Rhea: hey baby!! As I try to kiss him he pushes me off.

Roman: don't!! Not in the mood.

Rhea: why are you mad at me.

Roman: don't play sped, you know exactly why I'm mad at you.

Rhea's POV

I honestly didn't think he would be mad at me just because I didn't talk to him last night when I say he mad I mean he's infuriated with me.

Roman: I gotta go.

Rhea: Roman, where are you going??

Roman: to get away from you.

Rhea: Roman you cant keep walking out on our arguments it's-its not gonna help anything.

Roman: I do what I want.

Rhea: no come back here Roman, couples argue ok it's apart of love and we need to fix this ok.

Roman: we wouldn't be arguing if you just let me go.

Rhea: ok go then since you wanna leave so bad just go.

Roman: and to think you were the lady I wanted to marry.

Rhea: I really don't care I don't t need you ok! I really just wanna focus on my title match and love my life and honestly I didn't plan for you to be a part of it.

Roman: fine if that how it is as he get all her stuff and throw it out. Get out!!

Rhea: ok babe that came out wrong.

Roman: I get now get out!! He gently grab her by the back of her neck and drag her down the starts and kick her bye her butt out making her fall outside. You got all your junk?? Good WE ARE DONE.

Rhea: babe pleas-

He then shut the door in her face and lock it making sure that she couldn't get in.

Roman's POV

At this point I don't even know where we stand anymore she said she don't need me and that's fine. I not gonna say I don't need her because I do and yes I still love her but I doing what's best if she don't wanna get hurt I rather her leave. When I got upstairs I then heard a door shut.


Roman: stop calling me babe.


He came down

Rhea: I'm sorry ok as she put her head to his and smash they're lips together. She then push him on the pull out bed. And get on top of him.

We all know what happened after that.

Rhea's POV

After our little sex session I finally speak. Roman??

Roman: what do you want

Rhea: babe?? You can't still be mad at me.

Roman: yes I am now get out and don't call me babe we aren't a thing anymore.

Rhea: fine she then got all her stuff in out it in her truck and drove off.

Rhea's POV

As I reach my own home I pack my thing back into the dresser and fall back in my bed in which I hit the floor because I forgot I moved my bed to the other side.

Rhea: ouch

8 hours later

Rhea's POV

outta nowhere my phones starts to ring I picked it up and it was a FaceTime from some random guy so I answered

Random guy: hey thickness

Rhea: I beg your pardon??

Random guy: where do you live

Rhea: why would I tell you that??

Random guy: you have huge boobies.

Rhea: People comment on my breasts so much that I have planned responses to the most common remarks. When I'm put on the spot, I tend to blush and mumble, so I like knowing what to say when I hear the same stupidity over and over. Although, one time I said "No one's ever noticed before" to a guy, and he didn't catch the sarcasm. He tried telling me I should date him because he would "appreciate my body." So unfortunately, I still haven't found the perfect answer to shame people into realizing how stupid it is to point that out.

Random guy: ok ok don't get your panties stuck up your butt. He say rolling his eyes after that I just need the call.

I had a very long day and I need to have a plan to get Roman to love me again and be my boyfriend again today I said things I shouldn't have said. I took a shower and cried in my pillow that night until I fell asleep.

Me again I hope y'all enjoy it 🙌🏾 please vote and comment thank you!! ❤️

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