Getting him back

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The next morning

Rhea's I wake up to my mouth being all watery then I feel that I have to throw up so I quickly run to the bathroom and I made it just in time to throw up in the toilet. After I threw up I sat there for a minute. And thought about something after that I got up and got ready for the day. After that I decided I'd go to the coffee shop. I grab my phone and I have a message from Shayna it said come over to her house.

Rhea: I guess it's gonna be a slight change in plans. At shayna house

Shayna: hey Rhea what's up why are you looking like that??

Rhea: I think, I think that the coffee shop is closing down.

Shayna starts to laugh

Shayna: and you looking crazy because you think that the coffee shop is closing down??

Rhea: yes I love that coffee shop.

Shayna's pov
Hearing that she is sad because of a coffee shop is funny because I know she is lying to me. And I'm gonna get it out of her. Whether it is now or in 2hours or forever!! You know what not forever because sooner or later I have a life left to live and it not sitting here tryna get words out of her.

Shayna: Rhea I know you are lying to me. So tell me the truth.

Rhea: ok fine me and Roman broke up. Just because I said u didn't need him and he should have known j didn't mean it so I have a plan to get him back and I'm gonna do it tonight so I have to go bye as she run out the door to her car. 

Shayna: bye

Rhea's pov

I walk out the door an to my car because  have a lot to do. I quickly drive to a building owner.

Rhea:  Hi

Owner: hi, how can I help you

Rhea: I would like to renew this building for the night.

Owner: 100 dollars

Rhea gave her the money

Owner gives he the keys

Owner: keep it for the night lock up and In the morning bring the key back.

Rhea: yes ma'am thank you

She then ran out the door. To her car and got out her notebook

20 packs of balloons
3 cakes
10 boxes of drinks
4 bottles of wine
2 boxes of beer for the people who drink it
3 bottles of achlhol.
Sugar cookies
Chocolate chip cookies
Gummy worms
Gummy bears

At the store

Rhea's POV

I pulled up at Walmart and quickly got n our girl group

Rhea: hey guys I need help!!!

Alexa: with what??

Rhea: a party for Roman

Bianca: I wanna make a cake

Alexa: I wanna do the decorations

Liv: I'll make devilled eggs and spaghetti and posts salad and corn bread.

They got all figure out. When I told them that mercy me at the building they helped me get it all setup.


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Rhea's pov

I posted on Twitter that all the WWE people was invited.

Liv's POV

I'm at my dad's house tryna to get him to come to this party

Roman: what??

Live: can you come with me to this building I left something

Roman: sure

At the building

They walks in

Roman: what is this??

Liv:  it a party now for dance.

Rhea is on stage

Rhea: hi everyone, Mhmm this party j had is for my ex boyfriend. Yes I k would talk are very shocked to hear ex. We broke up because if something I said. I said I didn't need him but I do, I still love him and I still want him as my boyfriend. So I made this party to apologize an ask him If he'd be my boyfriend again. Roman comes on up. As they all started clapping. I never thought it'd be this had to let him go, because well he did every thing for me and so I'm gonna do this. Roman I'm sorry for what I said and I still love you an j want you to be my boyfriend. He then went on the stage

Rhea: look m so-called she was interrupted by a kiss. He bent her back and kisses her again.

Crowd claps and screams!!!

After the kiss was over

Roman: yes I will be your boyfriend again.

Rhea: yay as they hug and he off stage.

Rhea rest of the night was a blast and they enjoys it!

Hi guys hope y'all enjoy this chapter!! ❤️💙

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