Who wants ice cream

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Nicole's POV
After staring at my real mommy and daddy. Daddy shouted so?? Who wants ice cream

Rhea: I do!! Give get your shoes on baby and w are gonna go with daddy to get ice cream ok??

Nicole: ok mommy.

After leaving the house

Nicole: wait, it's approximately 10:00 in the morning and we are going to get ice cream?? Cool!!

Rhea: I live for cool. I'm a cool mom. Just wait and see how cool I can be.

Nicole: mommy??

Rhea: what is it baby??

Nicole: can I get my nose pierced??

Rhea: now??

Nicole: yea!!

Rhea: yea!!! I take you after we get ice cream.

Roman: no she won't she might be a cool mom but don't push your limits.

Nicole: *sighs* ok

At the ice cream place.

Roman: we are here.

Nicole: yay I love ice cream!!

Rhea: let's get out.

Rhea's POV
I got out the truck and went to the back. Ok Nicole let's get you out of this car seat. Then I hear Nicole say why do I have to sit in this carpet feet??

Roman: in that what??

Nicole: carpet feet.

Roman's POV
After hearing her say carpet feet me and Rhea start dying laughing.

Rhea: gurl come on here she says with laughter.

Roman pioneered for them.

Inside the ice cream place or whatever.

Server: hi my name is Amanda what can I do you for??.

Roman: I would like 3 ice cream sundaes. I want chocolate vanilla and strawberry with Carmel syrup, sprinkles, and m&m. Nicole what do u want on your sundae??

Nicole: I would like banana with chocolate syrup and Oreo bits.

Rhea: I'd like strawberry chocolate vanilla and banana with chocolate and Carmel syrup m&m's sprinkles Marshmellos and chocolate chip cookie bits.

Amanda: I'll be right back with yall order. You guys can take table #6.

Rhea: yes ma'am thank you.

Amanda: your welcome.

At table #6

Roman: I promise she look familiar.

Rhea: for real doe. Let's think.

After 30 minutes of thinking.

Roman: it's a thing tip of my tongue I just can't get it off.

Rhea: yea thinking.

Nicole: we'll to me she look like wrestler Mandy rose. I mean put 2 and 2 together.

Roman: you get 4.

Nicole: don't interrupt me. If you put 2 and 2 together, her real name is Amanda.

Amanda: I'm back with y'all ice cream.

Rhea: pardon umm... What else do you do as a job??

Amanda: I am a bikini model and Mandy rose on wrestling.

Rhea: I'm Rhea you remember me right??

Mandy: oh yeah Rhea Ripley.

Rhea: little miss smart figures it out while it took me and my princess charming like 40 minutes. It took her mouth 10 seconds.

Mandy: well I'll see you guys later I guess.

Rhea: yep

20 minutes later

Nicole: mommy I'm done!! We can go now.

Rhea: let's go!!

Roman: let's roll.

At home

Nicole: mommy I'm a bit tired I think I'll take a nap.

Rhea: ok baby have a good sleep.

Nicole: I'll try

And just like that she was knocked out.

What up kids?? Well another chapter. I hope y'all enjoy it and leave out!!!  Enjoy y'all day!! 💜💙

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