Stop it

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The next morning

Rhea's POV

I look at my phone to see a message from Bianca in the girls group chat. and it reads.

Bianca: having a couple's night please come if you don't you'll be sorry you missed. ❤️

Shayna: I can't come. I don't have a man.

Liv: girl you better go get dean. We know you like him by the way you look at him.

Shayna: someone has a big mouth.

Rhea: Shay I didn't tell them they know by how you look at him.

(We gone fake like Shayna got her teeth fixed and forehead reduction.)

Shayna: I know you didn't tell them I was joking.

Rhea: you freaking scared me I thought you thought I told them.

Shayna: fine I'll go talk to him.

At dean's house

Shayna's POV

I knock on the door knowing that dean doesn't like me in that way but stay positive right??

Dean opens the door

Dean: oh hey Shay-Shayna what are doing here??

Shayna: dean: I really like you like boyfriend like you. And I want you to be my boyfriend. I know you pro-

Dean interrupts her by kissing her.

Dean: I like you too.

Shayna: so what are we??

Dean: we are wrestler duh!!

Shayna gives him squinty eyes

Dean: well I guess we are boyfriend and girlfriend.

Shayna: awesome well Bianca is having this thing for couples you wanna come with me??

Dean: yea sure.

Shayna: cool well I have to go.

Dean: wait kiss me one more time.

They kiss

Shayna: bye

Dean: bye

Girls groupchat

Shayna: me and dean are finally dating.

Rhea: see I told you to been go get him. And yet you didn't listen to me.

Liv: everyone listens to me.

Mandy: get over yourself kid.

Liv: hey Daddy said I'm queen over everyone.

Lexi: here we are again.

Bianca: goo d now be at my house tonight 2:00-whenever y'all leave!! Everyone come!! EVERYONE!!
Lexi: we get it everyone.

Bianca: don't sass me.

Lexi: ok Bianca

Bayley: bye everyone
Everyone else: bye bayley!!!

Rhea: babe wake up.

Roman: what??

Rhea: you have to come with me to Montez and Bianca's house.

Roman: ok

Rhea: your not gonna ask why??

Roman: nope

Rhea: rude

Roman: aweee my baby mad at me :as they 1

Rhea: not really.


Rhea's POV

It's 1:55 pm and we are at Bianca nem house. As I open the door I run upstairs.

Bianca: hey girl you early

Rhea: I don't wanna be late so I came early. I don't wanna know what happens to the ones that don't come or is late.

Bianca: I'm glad you know.

Everyone came

Sasha: now that everyone's here. Who's got some??

Rhea: some of what??

Sasha: your man duhh.

Rhea: me and roman has did it once but he was mad at me and I really wanted him to not be mad at me anymore. But I'm glad we did it cause I really liked it.


Roman: hey ladies

Sasha: hey dummy sit down.

Roman: I'll have you to know I'm a very smart ma-

Sasha: boy

He sat down

Roman: what is it.

Nikki: how rhea taste

Roman: really good her body is pretty.

Sasha: wym pretty

Roman: everyone know her boobs are big but they are even bigger without a bra and prettier. And her butt it's fine and fun to squeeze. Her-

Rhea: babe shut up!! Stop telling them my body.

Roman: and her lips are so soft.

Rhea: I'm leaving as she get up.

Roman: babe babe babe ok I'll stop I'll stop.

Rhea: I'm still mad at you as she cross her arm and look down.

Roman lefts her head up and kiss her

Roman: babe you still mad at me

Rhea: yes with her arms still crossed.

He then kissed her longer and harder and squeezed her butt.

Roman: now you mad at me??

Rhea: n-no

Roman: good, now I'll be over there where to boys are.

Rhea: ok

Brie: he's a keeper.

Nikki: he's a keeper but you didn't keep him??

Brie: well-well that-that wasn't my-my fault.

Nikki: it was.

Brie: was not

Nikki: was to

Brie: was not

Nikki: was to

Brie: was not

Nikki: was to

Rhea: ok stop it. Nikki if she wanted to breakup with her then leave it alone. Brie it's a shame you didn't keep it why you had it. Now can y'all please stop.

Brie&Nikki: very satisfied.

Rhea: good.

The rest of the night was really fun with my girls and boys!! However kinda weird!!

Hey kids me again I hope y'all enjoy youngins!!! 💕

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