Our week with Tanjiro was shortly over. The routine hadn't changed throughout the week: wake up, train with Giyuu. It was repetitive but got progressively more fun! I could see the improvement on Tanjiro right before my eyes.
"Bye Tanjiro, take care!" I said, giving my last waves. "I have to get going Giyuu, get back safe!"
"Oh, bye," he waved while I rushed back to my house frantically.
I only had a few hours to rest before my mission with Shinazugawa. I had worked with him a couple of times but, I could tell he disliked me. I had leftovers from what we had this morning then packed some food for the trip. With the little time I had, I could only pack onigiris, enough for both me and Shinazugawa. I hurried out the door to meet with him.
"Ah, sorry I'm late, I was making food!" I said, slowing down my pace as I approached him.
He didn't look at me and started walking, "Took you long enough."
Tch. His attitude was honestly annoying. But I'll cut him some slack. We walked in silence for a couple of hours, which was perfectly fine for me. I hated small talk and the sound of nature relaxed me.
I sat down on a log after at least 3 hours of walking. My legs were sick of walking and needed a break. But, Shinazugawa clearly disagreed.
"Are you serious? The faster we get there, the faster your precious legs can rest. Get up."
"Oh come on, aren't you tired? I mean we've been walking for so long and the scenery is nice!"
He gave me that 'I won't argue with you' look. "It's shit."
"Tch..fine then," I said standing up, preparing myself for another few hours.
It got dark quick. Even if I was extremely tired, I knew he was more.
"You can sleep, I'll keep a look out," I offered.
"Suit yourself," he quietly said. I could definitely tell that he was exhausted.
I sat against a tree when I heard rustling sounds in a nearby bush. I listened closer, grasping the sword that was on my side. I stayed still but that just caused the culprit to giggle. I stood up, trying not to wake Shinazugawa up.
"Protecting your husband, I see,"
I didn't respond obviously to see if they would come out.
"Oh! You're a pretty one!"
I glanced away for a second. The next second, the voice was lifting my chin to their face, examining me. I jumped back from their loose grip, pulling out my sword.
"I see you put up a fight! I like you!" they say.
"What do you want?"
"Woah woah woah, not too fast! Tell me your name, young lady, call me Gnim!" he bows.
I paused for a second and came to a conclusion to not tell him my name. Becoming impatient, I sprint to his side, swinging my sword.
'Fourth Form: Striking Tide'
My attempt didn't work, unfortunately. My sword bounced right of his neck bringing me along.
"Don't be like that! You're boring.." he pouted.
"I'm not here to play."
"Be careful, you might wake up your husband!" putting his finger to his lips.
It was like he teleported behind me. He put a dagger to my neck, slowly slicing it. Blood trickled down my chin to my uniform. I quickly turned away and swung my sword to his hand. I was able to cut it off, throwing the dagger out of his hand. He regenerated quicker then any demon I have fought. Almost like Muzan..
I got ready to attack again when everything in my body started to ache. I turn to see what it was in my back. That bitch stabbed me in the back! I didn't even realize when he attacked?!
"Curious? I simply threw it when you went to run away!" I smiled.
I removed the dagger with a quick motion getting ready for his attack again. He never came so I did.
'Third Form: Flowing Dance'
I thought I had successfully removed his head but instead, he came right back behind me. He held me tightly to where I could not escape. I kicked him in every way I could think of, but he would just not budge. He moved his grip onto my head and quickly snapped it.
"ARGHH!!" I screamed in pain. He probably broke my entire neck, how strong was this guy?!
"Shhhh.. you don't want to wake your husband up-"
"I'm not her husband."
Gnim is a made up demon btw! I guess this will be a tiny bit of reader x Sanemi? I'm really sorry if you dislike him haha, but it'll be over in the next chapter!

❀ Flower Shop ☾ - Tomioka Giyuu
FanfictionWhat did it feel like to be loved? Red flowers represent feelings of true love. Tomioka Giyuu didn't know what it felt like to love and to be loved, but the time spent with you was when he felt like a true red flower.