I'M REGRETTING THIS! (Headcanons 23)

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🔧 Kevin made Nick one of his groomsmen for his wedding, just to appease Gwen (and as a way to further rub it in Nicks face that he was marrying Gwen

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🔧 Kevin made Nick one of his groomsmen for his wedding, just to appease Gwen (and as a way to further rub it in Nicks face that he was marrying Gwen. Kevin's an ass, just deal with it. Lol)

🔧 Kevin managed to weasel his way into getting free best seats and backstage passes to one of Charmcaster's concert, all he had to do was allow the witch to spend a night with his wife. And he wasn't allowed to know what they were gonna do.

🔧 Kevin had enlisted Nick's help to raise and watch over his kids while Gwen was on Anodine.

🔧 According to Verdona, Kevin's aura is dingy grey, almost black.

🔧 Kevin spends a good amount of time playing video games with Ben, it commonly ends up being a Sumo Slammer's game, but they have fun nonetheless. When it's not video games, it's often watching sports.

🔧 Back during the Unitrix incident, Kevin did try to work some sort of angle between Gwen and the newly named Eunice. It backfired and Gwen was mad at him for almost a week.

🔧 Kevin was super anxious when it came time for Devlin's first hair cut when the child was about 3 years old. He wanted his son to grow out his hair like he did.

 He wanted his son to grow out his hair like he did

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