Chapter 5 (real starco content begins)

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3 days later...

"And then I had magic just like Star!" Marco told his parents, full of excitement.
He had his baby sister in his hands and was bouncing her on his knee, next to him was his girlfriend.  And across from him, on two folding chairs, his parents, with their elbows on their knees, and their faces in their hands, quite literally on the edge of their seats.
"And then!And then! We blasted Mina!" Star and Marco now both saying, once again becoming synchronized.
They looked to each other, wide eyed and then giggled. Marco pulling out a teeny tiny notepad from his hoodie pocket, and making another tally mark. He taps the pen on the pad a few times and then looks to Star. "That makes nine."

Angie Diaz now stands in front of her son, grabbing her daughter from him and carrying her to a near by play pen. She smiles at the two teenagers on her couch, pats them both on the heads "I'm just glad you two are both okay."
Marco and Star both stand up and embrace Angie. Raphael now coming from behind them and squeezing them all together. 

After a long warm hug everyone pulls away. Marco and Star join hands, Star leaning her head on Marco's shoulder.
The Diaz's start to head towards the kitchen. Angie stops and looks back at her son and his best friend turned girlfriend. "And remember Star, you can stay as long as you like."
"Thanks Mrs.Diaz!" Star says with a grin

Marco and Star head up to the guest bedroom of the Diaz house. Unlike the bedroom they had become accustomed to, this one was plain, boring, an average full size bed, a dresser and a window.
"Wow, it's been so long since I've seen it like this." Said Marco. He then took a step back and waved his hands in a motion signaling Star to go ahead.
She raised her hand up,but then furrowed her brows.
"No! Not this time, I'm on earth now, show me how you guys do it." She says to her boyfriend
"Well then, we're going to need to go shopping."

The pair walks hand and hand down the sidewalks of Echo Creek.
"Star, why don't you want to use magic?"

"Honestly Marco, when I said I need a break from this princess stuff, Mewni stuff. I meant all of it. Magic and all."

"But what if you...nee-"

"If it comes down to it, and I have magic problems, I'll use magic solutions, I will. but until then, I'll solve my earth problems, with earth solutions. I just want a NORMAL summer. So now ...explain this deeeparment stoooore thing to me!"

"Simple, it's just like quest buy, but... norrrma- uh... not magical." He says quickly fixing an awkward tight lipped smile on his face. Careful to not make his girlfriend feel abnormal.

Marco looked to his girlfriend, stunning, he thought to himself. She was everything but normal, and he wouldn't want it any other way. He's had crushes on other girl's before, He thought he was "in love" with Jackie for years. Sure Jackie was a beautiful girl, and a very "cool girl", she had layers too, she wasn't stuck up like most girls with her beauty. She didn't only like one kind of thing, one kind of music or one kind of movie. During his time with her he learned a lot. She listened to lofi music in her room when she studied, she listened to 90's rap when she got ready for school, alt rock as she walked down the halls of school, and when she finally got home, she would fall asleep to music from the 70's. And once he finally got to know the person beneath her appearance, he began to love her, but like a friend. Someone he wanted to hang out with no pressure. And the more he got to know her the more he let his guard down. Watching her slowly become just a regular person in his eyes. That cleared his lustful fog, he realized, he only thought he had feelings for her because she was unattainable in his eyes. He held her at a god standard. But Jackie was just a regular girl. A normal girl.

Star was the opposite. As he got to know her more and more he held her higher. Every layer of Star he peeled back, the more he yearned for her. He already had her as a best friend, but he itched for something more with her. Always thinking of ways in his head to break the friendzone. He was so happy when she ran back down the stairs that day, "I do have a crush on you!" But sadly the joy he felt was only for a fleeting moment, right after that moment, he lost her.

For a while after she left earth, he mourned her, like she was dead. He wasn't just longing for his friend, he was longing to finish the conversation.

But when they finally reunited he pushed that down, trying not to be selfish, there was a lot going on. And by the time things calmed down, he had to leave again.

Then when he returned again, she was with Tom again. He was happy for both of them in a weird way, but still sad for what seemed like a loss of his own. So once again Marco has pushed his feelings for the princess down.
But the more he had pushed, the more he craved her.
Eventually ending up in a "magical" photo booth with her, explaining himself to her, why he hid his feelings, why he made things awkward with her. Finally mustering up enough courage to make his move. Kissing her, and in that moment nothing else mattered. To him, it was the best feeling he had ever felt. But as soon as it was over, star expressed how she didn't want him to do that.
"We... kissed." She said, wide eyed.
"I thought the booth was magic."
"You're my squire."
"Which is a job I take very seriously."
"I have a boyfriend. His name is Tom."
In that moment Marco knew all hope was lost again. She didn't even want this, but god he did, he did so much.

"I was just trying to get us out of here! He said burying his face under his suit

And after that, it was all he could think about, the feeling of her warm soft lips on his, it was like he was in too deep, at that point he couldn't even push his feelings down anymore. He was in love.

Which he later blamed on the blood moon curse.

When the blood moon curse was broken, they handed him the bowl, with two marshmallows, that made his heart ache for Star before.

"Well, here. The cornshmallows. Do these cornshmallows give you any... feelings?" Tom said holding out the bowl to Marco

Marco had stared at them awhile, still feeling the same in that moment, but he said to Tom "Huh. I just see two gross pieces of cereal!"
He felt like Star didn't want him to feel that way anymore , he didn't want to let Tom see that his feelings had nothing to do with the curse.

"Marco!" Star yelled at him
The boy was snapped back to reality. He looked at his girlfriend now, showing her he was listening.
"I called your name like three times... what were you thinking about?"
"Nuh.. huh.Nothing." He said, smiling, taking in the sight of his soulmate, beside him, finally his.
"...hmm okaaaay, anyways, is this it?" She asked pointing up to the store glowing sign with the stores name on it.

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