Chapter 11: A Magical Night, With a Less Magical Ending.

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A fluffy Starco chapter with some VERY IMPORTANT plot at the end

"I... I love it!" Star exclaims, giving a big hug to Angie.
"Thank you so much Mrs.Diaz!"
"Oh no problem sweetie."

Her hair was big and curly, perhaps the biggest it's ever been. The bangs that frame her face were curled up and she had small curls dangling over her ears.
'And they say earth didn't have any magic. Ha! This is magic.' Star thought to herself as she stared in the mirror.

While Star was with his mother getting ready, Marco was at the store.Marco was a boy, he didn't really have to do his hair, and he already knew what he was wearing. So really he only had one thing to do, and that was to pick up flowers, plus the corsage and boutonniere. Star told Marco the color of the dress was a surprise, so he picked out a white tie, and the corsage and boutonniere would be white too. He called ahead, asking the florist if he could make them in a few hours, luckily he told Marco that he had a few generic flowers to put together. He picked them up, thanked the florist, put them in a brown bag and walked back home.

He checked the watch on his wrist when he entered the home, he had about an hour to get ready now, which was plenty of time for him.
He checked the bathroom and the girls were gone. He went in, closed the door behind him, and dropped his clothes and hopped in the shower. It was a pretty quick shower, he used his "special occasion" soap, that came in a gift set with his "special occasion" cologne. He got out, dried himself off, combed his hair, slicking it back with gel, sprayed cologne sparingly on a few spots, his wrist, behind his ear, his neck, and a little on his chest.
He entered his bedroom, and slipped on his freshly pressed dress pants, a button up shirt, and his black dress shoes. He was already done, with now... he looked down at his watch again.
20 minutes, to spare.
Earlier, star and Marco had a conversation making plans for how the night was going to go.
They agreed not to see each other while they got ready.
They also agreed to be ready and in the living room at exactly 7, so they could leave by 7:15 and be at the dance by 7:30.
So, that's what they did, avoiding each other from the point Star stared getting ready.

So now Marco sits on his bed, in his room, all alone, checking the time every 20 seconds or so, he turned on the TV for a bit, trying to pass the time. Luckily for him, distraction worked, verified by the watch on his wrist beeping.

He opened up the brown bag that was sitting on the edge of his bed, pinning the white rose boutonniere to the left side of his dress shirt. Then grabbed the little plastic box containing the corsage, and walked down the stairs.

Marco stands by the stairs, waiting for his date, his girlfriend, his soulmate, to make her appearance.

Marco's parents come down the stairs, standing by him, with their cameras ready, Angie using her phone, and Raphael using his "trendy instant camera".

Marco looks down at his watch, and thinks to himself 'of course, fashionably late.'
His thought then interrupted by his father nudging him.
He looks up at the stairs, coming down step by step is the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen.
He takes in every detail of her, time seemingly slowing for him to do so.
A vibrant light blue dress, floor length, a little white heart decal decorating the bottom corner of it. Long white gloves with matching heart decals, the exact color of her dress. Around her waist, a white sash, tied into a big bow behind her. Her neck decorated by a choker. She even wore a little bit of makeup, which Marco had rarely ever seen on her. The last thing he noticed was the lack of her signature horns headband. He mentally made a reminder to ask her why she didn't have them on.
As her foot hit the last step, Marco smiled at her, a deep blush decorating his cheeks.

"Sooo what do you think."
Click click click a few bright flashes following each click, then the sound of Raphael flopping the camera film, in an attempt to make it develop faster.

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