Chapter 18: A Big Proposal (Mild Sexual Content)

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About two month has passed since Star proposed that Marco become King, but now it's time for Marco to propose something.

Not much had changed at Echo Creek Academy. Everyone was just older, more matured, coming into their true personalities. Some friend groups changed, some lost friends, and some added friends. Like Marco and Star's group. Their freshman year, it was really just Marco, Ferguson and Alphonso. Then came Star. Slowly Janna became apart of their group too. Jackie however, really wasn't. Even when her and Marco were together. She was around, but exclusively for Marco, sometimes Janna, and sometimes Star. She really used to stick to herself. But this year, she really became close with everyone, equally too. She thought of the boys like her brothers, and the girls like her sisters. She was comfortable around them, affectionate too, often pulling the group into hugs.
It wasn't weird either, at first Star actually felt guilty, but as soon as she realized the lack of tension between Jackie and Marco, she let that guilt go.
Her and Jackie even became very close. Although they were never enemies in the first place. sure Star was jealous of her, and visa versa, but they still always kept it friendly.
It was a mild Autumn day. November 27th to be exact. Marco was the last person out of the lunch line, and all his friends had already sat down at their designated table. Whispering among themselves.
"Has he told any of you yet?" Asked Ferguson

"No I've been asking all morning!" Exclaimed Star.

"He does this every year!" Said Alphonso

"Well I happen to know what I'm giving him, I'm gonna return one the gift cards I stole from his wallet." Said Janna as she fanned our a stack of his gift cards.

The only person not responding was Jackie, she was silent until Marco returned. Before he even sat down Jackie spoke to him.
"So Marco, everyone here is wondering what to get you for your birthday tomorrow, so you should totally tell us so we can stop trying to guess." She said nonchalantly.

"Oh stop guys, I don't want anything, and even if i did, I really wouldn't know what I want right yet, so you can give me something for a belated birthday gift." He said, giving a thumbs up and sitting down next to Star. He wrapped his arm around her and started digging into his cafeteria food.

"You can't even think of one thing man? Cmon Diaz." Said Jackie

"Look Im just happy to be back on earth this year, That's enough of a gift for me." He said with a mouthful of food, waving his fork around.

When Marco and Star returned from school the first thing they did was their homework. Their math homework to be more specific, Ms.Skullnick was honestly the only teacher that gave them homework. All the other teachers didn't want to have to grade it, so they never gave it. Marco and Star already had an expert system laid out for their homework. Marco would complete all the questions with even numbers, and Star would take the odd numbed ones. That system would have them done with their math in half the time.

After homework the two washed up, both taking their turns in the shower. Marco would always let Star go first, the first person to get in the shower would always get the hottest water, and he knew she enjoyed that hot, hot water after a long day of school.

Some days they would eat with Marco's parents, sitting at the dining room table, passing around trays of food, and sharing interesting things about their days. But other days, Marco and Star would heat up some Food item from the freezer In the microwave and take it upstairs with them.

Today was one of those days, Marco and Star heated up some pizza pockets in the microwave and took them back to Marco's room. Sitting on the floor, with a blanket wrapped around the two of them,watching one of Marco's favorite movies.
"See Star, there's a secret to these things, you get them out, they're too hot, you let them sit, they get too cold. But if you do this."
He takes a bite out of the corner of one "and blow"
he raises his eyebrows at her and then demonstrates his pizza pockets technique, by blowing a teeny bit of air into the slot he made.
"Then you will have the perfect temperature. And you can just eat the whole thing, no roof of mouth burns!"
Star turned to him, smiling at him sweetly. Testing out his method.

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