Chapter 24: Broken Rules?

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Recap: as you may know by now, Slitera is the queen of the Snake Kingdom. Her powers include shapeshifting, and she is a magic user.

"The winner is.. oh my- the winner is..Slitera." Eclipsa gulped."
The audience gasped, almost the whole audience.
"Umm, the new queen will be coronated,here, tomorrow."

Slithera clapped at her victory, and flashed a quick smile over to Star.

Star didn't even notice, her ears were ringing, her heart dropped,her stomach was in knots. Without moving her head, she glanced her eyes over to her husband, who's mouth and eyes were wide open. Did she just... lose?

They stayed like that for another minute, before Star felt Marco tugging on her arm. "Cmon, let's go okay?" He said gently. He could see the defeat in her eyes. And could feel it through their soul bond.

It was only occasional when their bond would become strong like this. Moments when emotions were running high. And believe me, they were right now.

Star slumped her face into her hands as she sat on the couch next to her Husband in her room In Butterfly castle. "I mean, how could I have lost!? I was so.. ugh. I was so stupid."


"I mean, I should have listened to you,but nooo I wanted to sleep, and look where that got me!"


"All that work, rebuilding the castle, getting married, and all for what? For nothing! Ughhh!"

"Star!" He yelled

Her eyes went round.

"Star. Maybe the whole castle thing. But getting married? Wasn't for nothing. That was for us. I would have done that with or without a royal Mewni cause provoking it. And honestly..isn't this what you wanted ?"

"That's ..that's true. And what? What do you mean?"

"You didn't want to be Queen, you know, before. And now you're fighting so hard to be Queen."

"I mean... I didnt, but that was my.. childishness. I just didn't want to do any of the work, I wanted to be free. But then seeing Eclipsa these last few months, ruling her way, made me think I could do both. And then.. and then she stepped down, and I saw the perfect opportunity, to take over. Am I weird for changing my mind so much?" She turned to him? Searching his eyes for answers, guidance.
He held her cheek in his hand and began to rub it with his thumb.
"No, you've grown, circumstances have changed. It's not weir..You're not weird."

All of a sudden, Eclipsa busted into the room.
"Oh thank goodness you guys were just talkin- nevermind, you guys need to come with me now."

They both looked at eachother, and back at Eclipsa, they remained silent.

"Look, there's just something you're gonna want to see."

They trailed behind her down the halls of Butterfly.

"In this room." She said as she held the door open for them.

"Ermm hi..." said the voice of the small snake person.

"Aren't you-" began Marco

"Slitheras servant? Mmm..yeah, I um. I am." He babbled, bending his head down to look at the floor beneath him.

"What exactly is it you're here for?" Star inquired with cross arms and a raised brow.

"Please mam, i just need one thing before I say..." he hesitated


"If i tell you what i know, i need, protection. If my Queen learns of my betrayal, I'll be a dead man."

"Darwin, is it? If you tell us something important, and it's true, I promise you will have sanctuary in Mewni. Now what is it?"

Darwin went on, he told them about how he served Slitera's mother, who was a kind, sweet woman. How she was murdered and it was believed to be a targeted hit. And most importantly..
"She cheated."


"She rigged the election!"

"But how!?"

"The person you debated with, wasn't Slitera, it was a shapeshifting professional impersonator, common in our kingdom. While you all debated, the real Slitera took on the form of a Mewman, and switched the boxes, with one she placed a spell on."

Star thanked him, gave him a hug even. She reassured him that he would be safe and would not have to return to Slithera.

Now they just had to hope this wasn't another trap, set up, or lie.

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