Chapter 9: A New Evil and an Invitation

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A/N: don't worry, they're will still be plenty of Starco content. But I had to interrupt all that fluff with some real plot. Sorry not sorry 🥺

It was a dark room, only illuminated by a few  flaming torches with green flames. In the middle of the room, sat a throne, it was tall and black, detailed with green crystals.
It was a strange kind of beautiful, strange, intense, but still quite a sight to see. Breathtaking. Just like the woman who sat on top of it. She had emerald green skin, decorated by red lipstick, which matched her glowing red eyes. She was a tall curvy woman, about 30 years old. She had on a tight black dress, with a deep cut neckline, and a high slit on the right thigh. She had long silky straight black hair, longer than the dress she was wearing.

She sat in the throne, snapping her fingers out of boredom, with each snap of her fingers, a little green flame lit, as if her fingers were a lighter. 
Suddenly, a small snake like monster burst through the doors to the room. The woman jumping a bit in her seat but slouching back into it.
"Darwin! What is it." She asked, a tinge of anger in her voice
"Slithera, my Queen, I think we may have an opening?"
She sat up quickly on her throne
"An opening?!"
"Yes.. word is the current queen of Mewni, Eclipsa Butterfly, is planning to step down.. today. All the royals of this dimension have been called to a meeting."
"Hmm interesting, tell me more." Said the Queen, a delighted smirk on her lips.


The dining hall was full today. Each seat at the table occupied by various royals of Mewni. Chatter went on.
"I wonder what this is about now."
"Didn't we just get over something?"
"I hope it's not another magic thing."
The room went silent when a new guest arrived.
The guards at the door broke the silence by announcing the guest.
"Queen Slitera of the snake kingdom."
The groups started whispering amongst themselves.
"Isn't that..."
"She hasn't been to one of these meetings in decades."
Slitera's personal servant pulled her chair back for her. She sat back, crossing her legs, ignoring all the talk that she KNEW was about her.
Once again silence hit the room, this time everyone sat up in their seats. Eclipsa walked in the room, her baby strapped to her body, and a smile on her face. She was joined by her husband, of course, he was king now after all, he had to come to all these things.
"Hello everybody."
They all stood, with the exception of Slitera.
Eclipsa waved her hands down, signaling for everyone to be at ease.
"Right.. I called you all here today because I have an announcement to make...I'm stepping down from my role as queen."
Chaos erupted
"You just got the throne!"
"Can she do that!?"

"Now, the real reason you are here is because I cannot lie, I don't know every rule to this. But I think I know who I want to be my sucesor. The kingdom is already familiar with her, and she was once already acting queen. Star Butterfly."

"She's 17 Eclipsa! For her to inherit the throne by death would be okay, but for her to be given the throne at such a young age, gosh I don't know." Says one of the queens at the table

"Now I know that, hehe, that's why I'm waiting till her 18th birthday"

"Okay but what about a king, and why are you even stepping down?" Another king butts in

"Ah, I may not look it, but I am very old, I just want to be with my family, no royal duties. And about king, I think she would have one very soon after she takes the crown, if not before."

"Well I don't think we can give her the crown until she does have a king, due to her...uh... age, so for your sake, I hope that's true."

"Hmm" Slitera thinks to herself.

Back in the Diaz house, Marco walks up to his girlfriends bedroom door. He lightly knocks with his left hand, in his right, he clutches a piece of paper.
"Come innn" she calls out to him
As he enters he gets sight of Star, laying on her stomach on her bed, her legs up behind her, crossed at the ankle. Her head was in a book, a pencil in her hand, taking notes.
"Whatcha reading?" He asks her

"Nothing really, Eclipsa sent me a book of rules in Mewni that she wanted my opinion on."

"Hmm" he says raising his eyebrow at her

"Yeah, no clue why...but anywaysies, what's up?"
He walked over to the bed and sat himself next to her, placing his hand on the curve of her back, rubbing up and down.
"So I got this flyer from school, it was posted in the park."
He says slipping it over the book of rules she was reading.
"Back to school ball?" She asks, turning her head to look back at her boyfriend.
"Yes mam' I was uh.. wondering if you would go with me, it tomorrow night."
"Marco Diaz! Of course I'll go with you." She says with a giggle, she rolled over, her night shirt raising in the process. Marco noticed, but quickly looked away before she caught him staring. She stuck her arm up in the air making a grabbing motion with her hand, signaling for him to grab it. He did, and she pressed their locked hands to her cheek.
"I need a dress though! Heh... maybe I'll use magic just this once."
"Let's just day it'll be a magical night, so boom, there, now you get a free pass to use magic." He said, smiling at her.

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