Chapter 25: Coronation Day

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Star rapidly made her way down the halls of Butterfly castle. Followed by Marco calling out her name every 30 seconds.
She lead them to the castle library. Finally slamming the door behind them.

"You know, I messed up the first time. I skimmed. But this time? No. I have some digging to do."

They spent hours in the royal library. Going up and down, left and right on the sliding ladders. Flipping through book after book looking for keywords. When finally, they came across it.
The snake kingdom History.
Well that was awfully convenient. It was unfortunate however, that they didn't come across the book sooner.

It told off all of the snake kingdoms hardships. Controversy. But never battle.
'Hmm, guess she wasn't lying' Star thought to herself
Their history was actually interesting too, it felt more like reading a story versus a history book.

The book told of their Kings and Queens.
Snake kingdom was actually a Patriarchal monarchy until Slitera's mother, Viper. She was the first Queen to Inherit the throne by birth and not by marriage, she never even wed. And due to that, there wasn't a king since Viper's father.
However, unmarried, she still gave birth to a baby girl. Slithera herself.
Slithera was the product of an affair. Her father? Lord Mildrew, of Mewni.
After denouncing his daughter, he allegedly had Viper killed so there was no proof of their entanglement.
And Slithera became Queen. Years later, she gained her respect by attacking her father, cutting off his arm, and bringing it back to snake kingdom as a trophy.
The book said that the people of snake kingdom were very mild mannered, kind people. However, Viper was their beloved Queen, and that act of violence, was an act of justice for them.

"Sheesh, and I thought we were bad."
Star muttered

"Um, I think your family is just as ba-"

"Ah ba ba, shhh." She blurted, pressing her finger to his lip to silence him

He rolled his eyes at her.

"I think... I think I know what I have to do now."
The next day.
"The coronation of Slithera Snake will begin now." Called out the announcer.
Once again, the stadium of Butterfly Castle was filled to the brim with the citizens of Mewni. Royal fanfare playing over the speakers.
The energy was mixed. There was some excitement, of course, all these royal occasions had excitement. But yet, there was still some chatter about Slithera, and not positive chatter either.
Until she stepped onto the stage.
Her hair was in a tight pulled back bun. Her slick black hair looking ever so shiny.
Her dress was a shade of emerald green only slightly darker than her green skin. Her neck was decorated with chunky gold jewelry that sparkled from a mile away.
The Mewmans quickly began to talk amongst themselves about how beautiful she looked. And honestly, she did. Not only her fancy dress and jewelry. But she had a smile on her face, one of joy, not her usual sarcastic smirk or devilish grin.

She waved to the crowd as she walked to the microphone placed in the middle of the stage.
"Good evening citizens of Mewni, I am grateful to be here in front of you, to accept the position of Queen of Mewni."
She glanced her eyes all around, making eye contact with a few crowd members.
She definitely did a double take when a familiar face caught her eye in the front row.
Her father. Lord Mildrew. He smiled at her.  Clapping his hands for her.
Her heart sunk.
The smile from her face dropped.
And her voice took back on a serious tone.
"But first, I need to address something. My father, my estranged father sits in the front row of the audience." She extended her arm out in his direction.
"Why are you here?" She asked, monotone, with a raised eyebrow.

She flashed his bright white smile.
"Well, I'm here to watch my beautiful, intelligent daughter's coronation. I'm so proud you you."

"You're disgusting." She uttered, still very monotone.

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