Chapter 17: The Queen Of Snakes

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There's no such thing as a good, underdeveloped villain. So here's our villains backstory.

Mewmans always hated monsters, true, but there was one specific type of monster that Mewmans hated most. The Snake people.
On earth there was an ancient tale of Medusa, well that's what the snake people looked like. Out of all the monsters they were the most beautiful. They looked similar to Mewmans, the only difference, their skin green, and most had snake like features, fangs, scales sometimes
There were many rumors made of them, especially about the snake women. They were said to be seductive, heartless women.
Slowly the snake people learned shapeshifting magic, they needed it whenever they needed to go anywhere outside of their kingdom. They would take
on the form of peasant Mewmans. The previous queen did this very often, she was a kind hearted woman, she loved all people, monsters, mewmans. She would often go into town disguised as a peasant woman, so often that she pretty much lived two separate lives. In the life she lived, she fell in love. With a handsome Mewman. He wasn't a peasant however, he was a count. He had strong ties to the royal family of Mewni. He was always kind to the undercover Queen, a gentleman. They spent all their days and nights together. But one day, he just left, after finding out Queen Comet of Mewni had been killed. And her daughter, Moon, was in need of a suitor. 2 days after he left, the undercover Queen, found out she was pregnant. Her heart was broken, and she decided to never go back to Mewni.

After 9 months she gave birth, to a half breed, snake Mewman girl. She named her Slitera.
She raised the girl with love, teaching her valuable life lessons, and how to one day be the queen of the Snake Kingdom.

Slitera was a happy girl, just like her mom, on her 16th birthday she took her first trip out of the snake kingdom. Although her mother never told her who her father was, she knew he was a Mewman. She did a lot of digging, reading through old archives, asking around. She figured out her mother's Mewman identity, then from there she figured out who she was dating back in her day. She ended up landing upon a man, Count Mildrew, who had just been recently promoted to Lord Mildrew.

When the princess she arrived at Mewni, she searched around for this Lord Mildrew.
When she finally tracked him down, she him payed a visit. Ringing the door bell to his large home. When he opened it, he was in his pajamas, he looked confused.
"Hi,sir, do you know this woman?" She asked holding up a picture of her mother in her Mewman form
"Woah? Patty? Oh my goodness, I haven't seen her since."

"Since you disappeared from her, when she was pregnant."

"Pregnant? Oh..oh my..."

"Oh and her name isn't really Patty you know?"

He invited Slithera in, offered her a cup of coffee. "So you're my daughter. And.. your mom isn't patty, she's actually the queen of snakes?" He said, watching Slitera take her sip of coffee
She nodded with a smile.
"So, how much?" He asked.
The smile instantly faded. She furrowed her brows. "How much what?"

"You know, how much to make sure word of this doesn't get out?"

Her eyes widened "you're trying to pay me off!? I just came to you, I'm your daughter! And that's all you can think of?"

"If you were a Mewman like me, no, but your a monster, a snake person even worse. That would make me a public disgrace."

She squinted her eyes at him, "You know what, now I think word should get out , I wasn't even thinking of that." She placed her coffee cup down gently and left.

Four days later, her mom was dead. Assassinated, in the back of her mind Slitera knew why, she blamed herself for weeks after. If she didn't expose herself and her mom this would have never happened.
Sadness turned to pain, and pain turned to anger. Until the only thing she could think of was revenge.

On her 21st birthday she went back to Mewni, no disguises, she wanted him to know.
She walked up to her fathers house once again.
As soon as he opened the door his eyes widened in fear. She raised a sword and strikes him, amputating his arm. He fell back screaming. Kicking himself back with his legs, trying to get away from her.
She simply walked up to him, ever so calmly. She locked the door behind her, and unplugged the wall phone that was on one of his living room tables. She looked down at him.
"So, you killed my mother, but you didn't get me. But what did you expect me to do? Cry about it? Cower in fear? When it is you who should be afraid."

"Pl.. Please" he groaned out, clutching at where his arm once was

"I've thought about doing this every day for years.killing you . But now, I think I won't, killing is too nice, I want you to live through this, the agony, the pain. And I want you alive when I take the throne of Mewni, like you never could. An aristocrat, but never a royal. You know, you could have been king in the snake kingdom."

He just stared up at her, with tears streaming down his face.

She pulled a bandage from her pocket , and tossed it at him.
"You're gonna need that Dad." She said with a laugh before snapping her fingers and vanishing in thin air.

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