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Anakins POV:

Eight months of tracking Ventress had been futile. She seemed to always be a step ahead of Masters Quinlan Vos, Aayla Secura and myself. Even when we had caught up to her she always had an escape plan or would overwhelm us with an attack by droids, escaping again.

"Master, I dont believe it is the way of the force for Ventress to be captured at this time." I explain to a hologram of Masters Qui-Gon, Yoda and Windu.

Yoda and Windu exchange a look, I know they agree with me. But Qui-Gon, having taken a seat on the Jedi Council, is less than pleased with my statement. I fear his view on this is personal and although no other Jedi is aware of that, I fear it is my place to end this futile search.

"My duties, along with Masters Vos and Secura are being wasted on this mission. With your permission we ask to return to Coruscant." I say with the support of Aayla and Quinlan.

Qui-Gon strokes his chin, a habit I've seen Obiwan had picked up, and he turns to the other masters.

"What do you think?" He asks.

"I believe Skywalker is wise in this decision. This is a critical time for the Jedi and we cannot be sending our knights into the galaxy chasing Separatists. Ventress will be dealt with when a more clear opportunity presents itself," Master Windu says and both Qui-Gon and Yoda nod.

"On Calypso's findings on Svelyan, much rests," Yoda says. My breathe hitches in my throat whenever I hear her name. I havent seen her in more than two years and haven't talked to her in a month or more.

When she left Lestrad without saying goodbye I was crushed. However, because I was still Qui-Gons padawan I could not leave without him for Coruscant. He intended to come stay permanently on Coruscant with Juniper and Aleksei. Now without their mother, he was determined to be with them often and knew his status as a Jedi would provide him with enough credits to afford a decent apartment on Coruscant.

He also, to everyone's surprise, finally took a seat on the Jedi high council. He told me he'd felt unbalanced in the force since the death of his wife and wanted to regain his connection to it. Also, believing I was the chosen one, he wanted to give me all he could as far as training, force connection, and overall discipline in maturity and decision making.

He was always willing to talk to me about Calypso and although he didn't respect her decision to push away those she loved, he understood her dedication to the order, and suggested I did the same. He encouraged our friendship, often asking about his daughter because I spoke to her far more often than he was able to.

My romantic feelings for Cal slowly began to fade, and although at first I fought it, I realized it was for the best. I was less affected by our periods of silence and overall more grateful for the times we did speak. She would always be my best friend, but I needed to stop hoping for anything more.

"Very well," I hear Qui-Gon say and I snap back to the conversation being had.

"Tie up any loose ends and return to Coruscant. May the force be with you." Windu says and ends the hologram.

"I will take care of any damage we may have caused if you both wish to return home," I suggest to Quinlan and Aayla. They had arrived separately from me and I had other plans before returning to Coruscant I didn't think they'd approve of.

They looked to one another but easily came to a mutual decision.

Quinlan slaps me hard on the back and squeezes my shoulder, pulling me to him, "You're such a gentleman, Walkie." He says and I smile but cringe at his ridiculous nickname. I think he's called me every variation of my name besides the correct one and somehow they got worse.

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