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Anakin's POV:

These past days of traveling have been agonizing. One day I'd accidentally walked in on Padmé changing. She didn't see me but I nearly fainted from the sight of her barely clothed. We'd spent our days getting to know one another, whether it was about our past or just what we wanted from life. I wasnt going to make it through this mission, I wasnt stronger than my feelings for her.

When we finally reached Naboo at the end of the 3rd day I nearly ran out of the transport. I had mumbled some words about bringing Padmés luggage to her room and had quickly gone to the palace alone, trying to distance myself from her.

Id dropped off her things in her room and requested to be brought to my room which was, of course, the room right across from Padmés.

This was a cruel joke, somehow. I was trying to remain a respectable Jedi knight but it appeared the universe was fighting me at every turn. All I wanted was to stick to the Jedi Code but then I would see her and every instinct and fight within me dissipated. All I wanted was to kiss her and have her in my arms again.

I was only able to spend about 10 minutes alone before there was a knock on my door and it was none other than Padmé.

"Ani?" She calls and I welcome her in.

"Ani, my family wants us to meet them for dinner tonight. Tomorrow we're to be moved to a safe house far out in Naboos countryside." She explains and I simply nod.

Now Id be having dinner with her family, who I love being around. Before I'd met my family I wanted to be a part of theirs although I still wouldn't be opposed to expanding my family.

What the hell am I saying?

But not only that, tomorrow Padmé and I are traveling to stay in a secluded house, alone. Far out into Naboos countryside. I was glad Padmé did not have feelings for me, or we'd already be together. I couldnt fight my feelings or desires. I wanted her, needed her. And my love only grew stronger and deeper the more time I spent with her.

I got dressed into a gray Jedi uniform and fixed my hair as best as I knew how. It was getting long and started to curl around my ears, can't say I was a fan.

I go to Padmés room and she welcomes me in but has me wait out in her sitting room while she gets ready. I go out to her balcony and lean against the railing, looking out over the water to the mountains of Naboo.

I hear someone behind me and turn to see Padme ready to go, wearing a slim fitted white dress with a green cape hanging off the back. Her hair is pinned up and held in place by a silver hair piece. She looks like an angel.

"Whoa," I say quietly and she blushes, "you look... like an angel."

"Glad I havent changed," she says and now I blush. That's the first thing I ever said to her when I met her. I asked her if she was an angel, I love that she remembers.

I offer my arm to her and she takes it. We walk towards the dining room together where her family will meet us.


The Naberries invite us over to their home after dinner. I bond immediately with Padmés niece and nephew Pooja and Ryoo. I spend time with them outside while Padmé spends some much needed alone time with her mother and sister.

Suddenly I sense I'm being watched and I look through the window to see Padmé, her mother and sister all looking at me. I wave and smile to them but they all turn away, embarassed that I caught them.

When I turn away I cant help but grin. Padmé must be talking about me. Maybe it means nothing, but I'd like to think it doesnt.

Ruwee lights a fire and we all gather around it, enjoying one anothers company and the last bit of light from the setting sun. Jobal brings out a tray of warm milk with sugar and spice.

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