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Anakins POV:

"Yes, Master Windu. I would be honored."

I was nervous. I didn't know what kind of master I would make or if I was ready for this responsibility, but if Qui-Gon thought I was ready, I trusted him.

"Very well, Skywalker. You shall meet your padawan in the garden. Master Qui-Gon will escort you there." Master Windu says.

We bow and exit the room, entering the lift.

"I feel your anxiety, Ani." Qui-Gon observes, "do you feel you are ready to take on a Padawan?"

"Honestly, master, I don't know. I want to say yes. This is an amazing opportunity and you believe I am ready, along with the council. But, I'm the chosen one and that comes with a lot of responsibility. And any mistake I make will reflect on my padawan and.. and I feel like I need more experience and.."

"Ani," Qui-Gon says with a smile, "Lets give it another couple months. The youngling will still be available to you and I know she'll understand."

I feel awful but I do want more time. I hadnt even considered taking on an apprentice and I have, of course, been on many missions. But I needed more experience in delegating tasks, I was either told what to do or worked alone.

"I will let the youngling know youd prefer more time to be the best example you can be for her. She will understand," Qui-Gon says and heads towards the garden.

I know I made the right decision and I'm sure this youngling will be an amazing apprentice, I just need more time.

As Im returning back to my chambers I'm surprised to find Master Plo Koon running after me.

"Skywalker, come with me immediately." He says and I follow him to the lift.

"There has been an attack on platform 74C. Senator Amidala was the target. We are heading to the Republic Senate to protect the Senator as she makes her plea for Republic involvement in apprehending her killer." He explains.

"Is Padmé.. Senator Amidala okay?" I ask. Im so worried about her, if she got hurt or.. or.. I couldn't even bear to think about it.

"Shes alright, a bit shaken up. She lost several men and women from her court." He says.

We don't say anything more on the matter as we get into a transport and make our way to the Republic Senate Building.


*after Padmés plea with the Senate*

"Padmé!" I call after her as she walks from the Senate platform. I don't care that it wasnt formal, she's my friend and I need to make sure shes alright.

She turns around, "Ani?" and her face lights up. She lets her guards know it's alright that I approach her.

"I heard about the explosion, are you alright," I ask, wishing I could give her a hug or comfort her somehow.

To my surprise she places her hand on my arm, "I was not hurt in the blast. But I lost many men and women from my court and that is why I am pleading with the Senate. I cant stand idly by as threats on my life end my people's lives."

"We are here to offer our protection, Senator," Plo Koon says from beside me.

"Thank you, Jedi," she acknowledges both of us and we fall in line beside her and her guards.

Master Plo and I hadnt discussed the level of involvement we'd have in protecting Padmé. I wondered how much he even knew.

As if he read my thoughts Plo said, "We are to accompany Senator Amidala wherever she goes, given her permission. I was also advised that one of us should stand guard in her room and another at her door. Seeing as you and the Senator already have a friendship, I would suggest you stand guard in her quarters until we are relieved of duty by other Jedi."

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