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Calypso's POV:

Atlas is gone when I wake up and I frown, disappointed. I hate that I want him here. He was only being kind and comforting but I havent had someone like that around me for so long.

I wrap a robe around me and head out to my balcony. I lean against the railing and look out towards the city. Its like I can almost here the pain of the townspeople begging for change.

I have to help them.

One way or another, relief supplies need to be delivered to them. I could always try and steal from the castles supply rooms but there's no way I could accomplish that alone. And now that I dont have my hologram I cant contact the Jedi Council about the hold on relief supplies. I'll just have to figure it out myself.

I get dressed and decide to see the status of Sveylans supply room. If the castle was running low on supplies as well, I'd have to get a secret shipment sent to the other side of the planet or even Poltyr in order to avoid the Separatist blockade. I was running a huge risk either way, but I needed to help these people. At least before I have an opportunity to return to Coruscant.

I pass a few dignitaries on my way through the castle and they all greet me with nods. Before I can reach the lift, however, I'm stopped by Demitris father, Aegon.

"Calypso, my dear," he greets me with open arms. "Where are you off to in such a hurry?"

I hug him and turn to leave, "I am meeting Atlas for breakfast and I'm already running late." I lie.

"Oh, my dear, I just saw Atlas and Demitri heading out of town together. Did he not tell you?" He asks.

I shake my head.

Thats...odd. They were at eachothers throats last night and they're hanging out today? That doesn't make sense. Regardless, now it just meant I didn't have an excuse for whatever Aegon was going to ask of me.

"Seeing that you're now free, would you accompany me on a walk?" He asks and offers me his arm.

I take it but become nervous. Demitri wouldn't have told his father what happened yesterday would he? If so, I could be moments away from being sent to prison.

"I fear Sveylan has not been to your liking, dear one," he says as we walk.

"Oh no, sir. Sveylan has been very welcoming and accommodating. More than I could've hoped for," I say but I'm nervous where he's going with this.

"My dear your mouth says these words but your eyes fight to say others. How do you really feel about all this?" He stops and lightly grabs my shoulders, facing me.

I search his eyes but am trying to decide how honest I can be with him.

"I often feel lonely, but I only have myself to blame. Demitri and Atlas have been great friends to me and I am grateful to them." I say with a smile.

He pats my shoulder and we resume walking.

"Ahh yes, my boy, Demitri. Taken quite a liking to you, I've heard." He says and I feel sick suddenly. Demitri was a spoiled ass and if my life didn't depend on his discretion I wouldve beaten him up yesterday.

"Yes, he told me as much yesterday." I say but I pray this is where this discussion stops. Of course, I wont be so lucky.

"And you? How do you feel about my Demitri?" He asks casually but I assume my answer will dictate a lot regarding his pleasantness towards me. But even so I decide to be as honest as I dare.

"He has been a great friend to me. But I do not have romantic feelings for him." I say as level as I can.

I look to Aegon and he nods but pats my arm.

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