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Calypso's POV:

"In three days time, all fully formed battalions will be given their assignments and be sent out into the galaxy. All Jedi generals and unassigned Captains will remain in training until further notice," Shaak Ti announces in Sector 1s grand hall.

I look beside me to my Captain, Kass, and he nudges me with a smile.

"See, told you itd be any day now," My Captain says.

I smile back at him but my smile fades when I look beyond him to Obiwan deep in conversation with Commander Cody. He's stroking his chin and speaking quickly. He looks almost... stressed. He catches my eye and waves me over.

I'm embarassed to say I was relieved that we're finally leaving. I've been training nonstop and my battalion lead in stealth simulations. I was more than ready for actual missions but Obiwan did not feel the same. I know he worried constantly about his family, I couldn't blame him for that, but he chose to join this war. His safety and theirs was no longer guaranteed, but the life of a Jedi was unpredictable. I wish he would remember that.

"We will be given our station tonight. Shaak Ti informed me," he says and I shrug.

"I dont care where we go, as long as we can leave this claustrophobic living space," I mumble and Obiwan grabs my elbow.

"Calypso, do not scoff at the severity of our situation. We are about to be thrust into a WAR. Do you understand what that means? Here, yes, you believe you are untouchable and above everyone else. But out there? You are a 19 year old girl who knows nothing of true battle. None of us do. You can be brave, I would advise that. But do not be over confident. These separatists will kill you and your men without blinking. Do not underestimate their capabilites or overestimate your own."

I furrow my brow but nod. Best not to upset Obiwan, even if I don't entirely agree with him.

"Yes, Master. Im sorry for my immaturity."

Satisfied with my answer Obiwan turns back to Cody and continues their conversation.

I look over to see my battalion looking expectantly at me but I simply roll my eyes playfully and smile.

"At ease, men. We're not at war yet," I say as I approach them.

They begin to talk amongst themselves and my Commander approaches me.

"Do we have our orders?"

I shake my head, "not yet, Kass. But I assure you, you will the first man I will inform if it helps set you at ease."

He nods hurriedly and salutes to me before turning back to his men. I enjoy the bond I've formed with my men. Theres a playfulness about our friendship that helps keep the mood light-hearted. But there is also mutual respect and careful attention given during the simulations that is vital to our victory.

I stand alone, looking around me at the generals and their battalions all discussing the news. Without acknowledging it I know Im looking for Anakin and when I spot him, a wave of relief washes over me.

He is in a small huddle of his men with Ahsoka at his side. My heart tightens when I see her. She hasn't spoken to me since Juniper and Alekseis identities were uncovered but I cant really blame her.

When I figured out that Obiwan had kept my fathers near death from me I had been furious and itd taken me a long time to trust him again. Ahsoka just needed more time to understand that I wasn't intending to hurt her. I was keeping my family a secret for the sake of my fathers position and Juniper and Aleksei's anonymity.

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