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Anakins POV:

Two and a half months. Its already been two and a half months since we arrived on Kamino and I have to say, I've loved every minute of it. I dont know what it is about battle strategy and war zone preparation that gets me so excited. Part of me believes its the power I get to wield being the clones' general but I think overall its the freedom of expression. My battle strategies have been called unorthodox, even potentially reckless, but they have almost always gotten us to victory.

Ahsoka has become my shadow. Although she's not much of a leader, she has been a willful soldier. She is inexperienced, as most younglings would be, but her determination has never ceased to amaze me.

Although I have trained with many different squadrons of clones, I believe my greatest ally has become Captain Rex. Hes a dutiful soldier but is also very patient and trusting of my procedures. He also isn't afraid to tell me when he thinks I'm wrong.

Shaak Ti has made me aware that I will continue to train with Captain Rex and in the next week, I will have a battalion under my order. Its overwhelming to think that we're almost to the end of our training, it seems like we only just got here. But I have advanced in my leadership and overall understanding of war.

I haven't seen Calypso much since Obiwan became her interrum Master once again. From what I could tell about Cals training, however, from either being placed in the arena opposite her or simply from word of mouth, her and Obiwan had become formidable opponents.

As far as I'd heard they've never failed a simulation and they'd already been assigned their battalions. Disappointed or not, it was probably best Obiwan returned to the Jedi Order. Calypsos confidence had grown exceedingly and her clone battalion had become one of the best special ops squadrons.

Calypsos squadron, the 77th battalion, was a special ops branch off of Obiwans Battalion, the 212th. Although Obiwans battalion commanders and Captains had small embellishments of orange on their armor, Calypsos clones had black embellishments.

Her squadron of clones excelled in stealth missions and so shed been moved to Sector 9

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Her squadron of clones excelled in stealth missions and so shed been moved to Sector 9. Each sector catered to each Knights individual strengths. Most of the Knights and their padawans we'd arrived with had been moved to separate sectors. Thered been so many knight and clone trooper rotations, I couldn't even keep track of who Id met and trained with. The only consistency up to this point was Ahsoka and ever since telling her the truth about Calypso, she didn't trust me.

Learning Calypso had siblings was a major shock to her, as it would be for anyone. But to learn that she also had a father, who I didn't name, that was alive that Calypso saw frequently, it really set her off. Ahsoka didn't even want to talk to Calypso about it, although I advised her to. She felt betrayed by both of us it seemed but in reality, none of us talked about our past. It was a foundation for whod we become but it was no longer a defining part of ourselves.

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