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Calypso's POV:

It was my last night before heading to Polytr. I hadnt told Anakin, how the hell could I? He knew my past with Atlas and I cant imagine how he would feel if he knew I was on a one way trip right back to his planet. Whether or not Atlas was even there was inconsequential; it would break Anakins heart.

I wake up when he crawls into bed beside me. He pulls me around to his chest and I cuddle into him. He smells slightly of metal and sweat, its oddly comforting.

"You should shower," I mumble sleepily into his chest.

He laughs and kisses my head, pulling my face up to him.

"I will, but only if you join me," he says and kisses me lightly.

I fake pout and he chuckles.

"How can I convince you that showering with me is better than sleep?" He teases and nuzzles into my neck, kissing my clavicle.

I roll my eyes playfully and turn around, pretending like I'll go back to bed. To my surprise Anakin gets out of bed and moves towards the bathroom. Im waiting for the door to close so I can join him of my own accord when I hear quick footsteps and he yanks me out of bed and throws me over his shoulder as if I weighed no more than a piece of armor.

"Anakin!" I squeal playfully and he marches us towards the refresher.

He sets me down and pins me against the wall.

"Its not very nice to.." I tease and he kisses me hard.

I smile against his lips and he carefully takes off the shirt of his I borrowed and I help him with his clothes.

"You can take any of my clothes with you. I want to know you're wearing my things when you're gone," he whispers as he carefully takes off my clothes.

"I wish I had something you wanted to take with you," I whisper as he feathers kisses over my skin.

"Mmmmm..." he mumbles into my skin and kisses my shoulder. He moves to turn the shower water on.

"Perhaps I could take these," he says and traces my lips before planting a light kiss on them. "Or these," he says and grabs my thighs firmly, "or just one of these," he says and kisses my breast.

"Im afraid they all have to stay with me, my love," I giggle and he pulls me under the water with him.

He cups my face and looks over every small bit of it. He seems to be thinking about something.

"Have you ever drawn yourself?" He asks.

I shake my head. I never saw any need to draw something I saw everyday. I drew small bits of the world I wanted to remember. My reflection was an accidental reminder I consistently came upon of the broken little girl I truly was inside, regardless of who I posed as. My posture could fool others but my eyes held every secret I've ever kept if one knew where to look.

"Thats what I want from you," he says and I frown.

"You want a picture of me?" I ask inquisitively.

"You could easily get a hologram necklace from anywhere...." I begin but he shakes his head.

"Exactly, Cal. I want a picture of you by you. Its something no one else has or will ever have. I want a real, raw rendering of what you see in the mirror every morning," he whispers.

I know he doesn't understand how this would make me feel. His request is that of a blind lover, someone who doesn't see the whole picture cause I've never given him all the pieces.

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