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The sun light shone in from my open blinds, waking me up. I laid sprawled across the large king bed. It was the best nights rest i've gotten in my entire life.

I lazily got out of bed, grunting as I stretched. I opened a door in my room that I hadn't thought to look in last night.

The door opened into a large bathroom. 

I looked around the room. There were towels on the counter next to a tooth brush and tooth paste.

It took me a few minutes to turn their fancy shower on. I striped off my t shirt and short shorts I considered pajamas and walked into the hot water.
I immediately sighed as the hot water relaxed my muscles.

As I washed my body with the new soap they had in my shower, I realized they are probably all down stairs. I had to go down soon other wise they would come up to my room.

How I wish I could hide in my room all day.

When I was done I got out and grabbed one of the towels on the counter. As I dried my body I looked in the mirror. I disgusted myself. My body was covered in bruises and scars. My ribs were bruised up bad, along with a deep cut along my stomach. I bandaged the cut on my own but in the last week it hasn't gotten better.

I got dressed in the hoodie I brought and a pair of leggings. The leggings showed my small legs but I didn't care because the sweatshirt was huge on my boney figure.

The sweatshirt came from my old friend who taught me how to fight. He moved a few years ago and I haven't seen him since. I don't have a phone so there was no way I could contact him.

I put some makeup on to cover my bruises and got the pain medicine out of my backpack. I took two before hiding the bottle back in my bag.

I walked down the hall way, to the stairs I walked up last night. I heard voices as I descended the last few steps.

Once I found the kitchen all the boys went silent and looked at me.

"Sup" I said with a serious face as I opened the fridge. I grabbed the milk and the box of cereal that sat on the counter. I poured them into a bowl and began eating.

The boys were still staring at me. It was getting awkward.

"If watching me eat is your source of entertainment, i'd like to get paid." I said as I looked into my bowl, still eating.

Ryan my twin began to laugh making Jason and Logan laugh with him.

Will just glared at me and Elijah was too caught up in typing on his phone.

"Once you finish I'd like to have a family meeting in the living room so we can explain the rules" Elijah finally put down his phone.

I let out a humorless laugh at how he thinks I will lisen to his so called rules.

"What's funny sorellina?" (little sister) Logan asked.

"Nothing absolutely nothing" I said keeping a straight face while putting my dish in the sink.

"Is that a tattoo?" Ryan asks almost screaming as he points behind my ear.

All of my brothers then stiffened up and looked at me expectantly.

"Yeah" I nodded my head.

"Your 16 where did you get it?" Ryan asked with a pout.

"A friend" I shrugged my shoulders.

"So how many tattoos and piercings do you have then?" Elijah asked folding his hands in a serious manner.

"2 Tattoos, 5 piercings in one ear, 4 in the other, my belly button, and my nose." I said with a shrug of my shoulders.

"You can't get anymore tattoos or piercings without our permission." Will said sternly.

I laughed at him making him more angry. I then glared at him "Says who? It's my body and if I look at you right now, I see over 5 tattoos just on your arms. I don't even wanna know what other ones you have. I won't ask you if I want to do something to my body. You should be happy I just told you what I have. I could easily hide anything so don't test me." I said with my glare not faltering at all as I leased on the island they sat across.

Will was fuming. I looked at my other brothers and they looked shocked.

"I think it's time for a family meeting!" Jason cheered trying to break the tension.

We all went into the cozy living room were we sat along the couches.

Elijah started the conversation.

"We have all discussed some rules for you.

One, your curfew is 9:00 every night.

Two, you do not leave the house or go anywhere
without telling and getting permission from one of your brothers. Except Ryan of course.

Three, no boys or boyfriends.

Four, you will keep up your grades. You will start at the school your brothers go to in a few days.

Five, you will not disrespect your brothers or father.

Si-" I cut him off.

"Wait. I have a few problems with your so called rules but first, my father?" I asked. I never heard that my father was still alive.

"Yes our father. He is currently on a business trip and will be returning home in a few days." Elijah days like it's nothing.  "Don't interrupt me again but what is the issue so far?" he asked sternly.

"For respect, I will not respect you until you show me I should. You can't just go giving that shit out to people who shouldn't have it. I don't mean to disrespect when I do this but if I have an issue with what your saying, i'm going to correct you. I won't just sit here and deal with the stupidity that comes shitting out of your mouth. If I will be attending a school, I will be with boys. I don't need you to tell me I can't talk to them. I can take care of myself. " I also don't follow a curfew but I left that out.

"That brings me to my next rule, six, no cursing." He said in an angry tone.

I scoffed at that. "Like that will happen." I rolled my eyes.

"It will happen or there will be consequences." Will then says, reminding me that Elijah and I aren't alone.

"Oh really, what would you do?" I glare daggers at him.

"Well for starters we will take your phone." Elijah said.

"I don't have a phone" I said blankly.

Jason then hands me a white box. "We got you one."

I stared at the box in my hands. I handed it to Elijah. "I don't need it."

"Yes you do. It's how we will contact you. Now I am going to continue with the rules,

Seven, you will sit with your brothers at lunch in school.

Eight, you must answer the phone when your brothers or father call.

I think that is it for now." He finish's

"I will not be sitting with them at lunch." I said staring right into his eyes. He doesn't know how stubborn and strong willed I am.

"Oh you will. I've also seen your school records and this year I want better behavior. You got into fights weekly, disrespected teachers, and broke almost all the rules." He says as Ryan sits up quickly next to me.

"So your telling me my twin was a badass in school" He says excitedly.

I ignored Ryan and glared right at Elijah. "Let's just say I don't do very good with rules."

They don't know what they have just got themselves into.

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