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It has been two weeks.

Jax and I have been inseparable, spending as much time as we can together.

My brothers and I have been fooling around, fighting, and all the other normal stuff we do.

Things have been kind of...... normal? It's been nice.

Lately I have been going to more meetings for the mafia. There has been some sort of issue that has been happening at the docks.

A man has been intercepting most of my dads shipments. We don't know who he is or who he works for but we have to find out.

He was sending us on a mission tonight. We were to follow the shipment and see if anyone comes around.

Will, Eli, Logan, and I were going. Jason and Ryan were staying home to man the computers. We would be wearing a wire so they can see and hear everything going on.

Hopefully we can stop the interceptions.


When the sun began to set, I went up to my room. We all had to get ready.

I put on a pair of black jeans, a black hoodie, and black converse. I needed to stay hidden tonight.

Once I thought I was ready, I made my way downstairs.

My dad and brothers were at the kitchen table sorting out weapons.

My dad handed each of us a gun. I grabbed it before placing it in the waistband of my jeans.

"Raven do you want your blades too?" He held up the sleek black box in question.

"Yeah" I took them out of his hands. I placed the box on the table, opening it. I took the holder that wraps around your thigh and quickly put it on. I took the blades out one by one, placing them into their designated spots.

I made sure they were all secure before closing the box again. Next I had to put my mic on. I took the little box placing it in the back of my bra. I stung the sting up the back of my hoodie and put it in my ear.

"Let's test if they work" Jason headed over to where they had computers set up.

"Raven speak" Jason typed as he told me what to do.

"Umm sup?" I said not knowing what to say.

"Ok your good" He then tested the rest of the guys.

I looked around the table to see everyone was ready. All of us were dressed in black with mics in our ears

"Please be safe out there" My dad kissed each of our cheeks.

I was last. He didn't let me go until he whispered in my ear. "Please be safe piccola"

"I will." I nodded.

I walked out to the black suv. Eli was driving with Will in the passenger seat. Logan sat in the back with me.

We pulled up at an abandoned dock. Eli hid the car in the back of a bring building.

"Ok Logan you and Raven stay here for a second. Will and I are going to scope out really quick" Eli explained before getting out o the car.

I watched Will and Eli take out their guns, walking around the building.

"Are we actually going to just sit here?" I turned over at Logan who was looking around out the car window.

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