Surprise! I had study hall first period so I decided to update two times today!
They weren't kidding, we were going to be talking about everything I had done today. I just wanted to be left alone.
We all sat at the large glass table eating dinner when they decided It would be the time to discuss my punishment.
"Raven we need to talk" Eli stated. I just shifted in the comfy white chair beneath me.
"You got in another fight with Brittney and then left the house without telling anyone" Will shook his head.
"Although you were helping Will again, you still have to be punished. You are grounded for the next two days." My father said
I didn't really care because I barely leave the house as it is.
"Ok" I shrugged my shoulders while eating my food.
"But just so you know I wasn't doing it just help Will. She was giving me a headache with her screechy voice. I could hear her through my blasting music and that's saying something. When she bothered Will, that's when it drew the line. Will can't hit her but I can" I took a sip of my water.
"She's not wrong." Ryan laughs
"Yeah that girl is really annoying man" Logan says to Will.
"Enough!" Eli silences the boys. "Your punishments will get worse if you continue to act the way you do." He explained.
I just nodded as I began to get full. I stared down at my bowl of pasta. I haven't even eaten half of my food bur I couldn't eat anymore.
"Raven are you done?" Ryan asked.
"Yeah i'm full" I patted my stomach.
"How are you full? You barely ate anything." Will points out.
I just shrug my shoulders before taking my dish to the kitchen. I cleared it before putting it in the dishwasher.
I was exhausted and decided to go to bed early.
I changed into a t shirt and shorts to sleep since no one would see me to be able to see the scars and bruises that cover my skin.
I climbed into the plush bed and felt asleep in comfort.
•warning disturbing scene•
It was a long day at school. I had punched a guy who decided to slap my ass and I got in trouble for it.
When I got home I had to prepare my mothers dinner before she got back. I decided pasta would be easy enough.
I turned on the stove to boil the water before pouring the pasta in. It took around 15 minutes. My mom was going to be home in 5. I was starving. I wasn't allowed to eat or drink. I couldn't help myself, I ate some pasta as fast as I could get it down.
I immediately froze when I heard the door.
"Raven!!" The witch yelled.
"Your dinner is ready." I lowered my head.
"Did you have some?" My mother asked quietly almost reading me.
"n-no" I stuttered.
"LIAR" She yelled striking me across the face.
I fell to the floor with a whimper. This couldn't be happening. I was still hurt from yesterday's beating. Even if I didn't do anything wrong, she was still angry.
She began to kick me in my stomach and ribs.
"STOP" I cried.
She only continued her abuse.
"AH I PROMISE I WONT DO IT AGAIN" I continued yelling in pain.
"You are lucky tonight. I can't beat you anymore because we have a visitor." She smiles evilly.
"A visitor?" I asked quietly. I already knew what she meant.
The door opened.
"Oh look there he is" She said as an older man who looked around his mid 40s walked in. He was dirty and smelled of booze.
"You can have your fun" She said to the man after he handed her a wad of cash.
I watched the man rake his eyes over my body in a sick and disturbing way. I felt chills run over my body in disgust.
"N-no" I began backing up attempting to slide away from him on the dirty floor.
"It's okay. We both know you will enjoy this." He smirked at me.
I wanted to throw up.
He began touching my chest. I fought him and pushed his hands away. I was no match for him. It was his strong body against my small, beaten one.
He ripped my clothes open. Touching me in places he shouldn't. I cried and cried.
"STOP STOP!" I screamed at the top of my lungs
All of a sudden I thought I heard one of my brothers call my name. They weren't here. They couldn't save me.
"STOP GET OFF OF ME. PLEASE STOP" I screamed more.
All of a sudden I felt my body being pinned down even more. I felt hands on my ankles where the man wasn't touching me. What was happening.
The man began thrusting into me. I cried even more as I felt pain surge through my entire body.
"Y-your hurting me. Please stop." I said quietly feeling as if I was going to pass out.
All I saw was darkness as I felt the tears trail down my face.
•end of disturbing scene•
I woke up breathing heavily and sobbing to see people holding me down. I immediately freaked out and tried to get out of their grasp.
"Baby it's ok it's only us." My dad sat next to me hesitantly. The boys were standing around me staring at me in shock and fear.
I collapsed into my dads chest sobbing as he wrapped his arms around me.
"Shh baby it's ok. It's ok. We are here." He whispers while rubbing my back.
"Can someone tell me what the fuck is going on!" Will screams
"Will calm down, you will freak her out. She had a nightmare." Jason said.
"That was not a flipping nightmare. It was like she was seizing. She was scratching her throat and crying and screaming and saying things" He rambles, rubbing his hands through his hair.
Everyone ignored him.
I had finally begun to calm down after focusing on my fathers warmth and the smell of his cologne.
"What happened baby?" my dad asked me quietly.
"Nothing" I sat in his arms emotionlessly.
They had already seen to much. They didn't need to see more.
"That was not nothing" Will paced the room
"Shut up Will" Ryan said as he climbed into bed next to me.
"Raven you can tell us you know" Ryan said quietly while grabbing my hand.
"I'm fine. I think I should go back to bed" I said not looking at any of them.
I wouldn't be able to get any sleep after that.
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Rebellious Raven
Roman pour AdolescentsAll Raven has ever known is life with her abusive mother. It had always been just the two of them, or so she thought. Raven had become a troublemaker and was well known for her rebellious acts. When her mom doesn't return home one day due to an ac...