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I nodded as Daniel led me into the dining room, away from my brothers.

"I know the sad look you gave me. What did she do? Are you okay? Did she have any men over again?" He frantically asked, pulling me close to look me over
for injury's.

"Danny you already know the answer." I looked sadly into his eyes.

"Please Rave, what did she do while I was gone? I'm sorry I left you. I swear it will never happened again." He held me softly before kissing my forehead.

"Right now I'm healing but slowly. She ended up having men over every other day. She did the normal of hurting me and when the men came she sold me." I looked down at the floor as I felt tears settling in my eyes. I refused to cry. The only times I ever cry is with Danny, he makes me feel safe.

Danny is the only person I have ever opened up to. He has proved that I can trust him and he has helped me in so many ways.

"Baby i'm so sorry." He pulls me into a tight hug. "Do your brothers know?" He asked.

I shook my head no against his chest. I squeezed him tighter, feeling his warmth.

Elijahs POV

I watched the way Raven interacted with Daniel. She was a whole different person. She completely dropped her wall with him.

I wouldn't admit it to anyone but I was kinda jealous that she felt she was able to open up to him. I don't know her past and how long her and Daniel have known each other but he never mentioned his past friends. Now that I think about it, I haven't heard much of his past either.

I looked around at my brothers as Daniel lead Raven out of the room. They were all thinking the same thing as me.

"Why was he asking those questions? Are we just going to sit here while they just go off?" Will said bitterly.

"I say we eavesdrop" Logan said with a shrug.

"Come on guys, I think we should let her keep her privacy." Ryan said frowning

The other boys ignored him and went to the door separating the dining room and living room.

A minute went by before Logan turned around with a concerned look.

"What's wrong?" I asked curiously.

"Daniel asked her "What did she do? Are you okay? Did she have any men over again?" but that all we were able to hear." He explained

We all were silent thinking about what they could mean.

"There is stuff we aren't aware of. We can't force her to tell us so just leave her be for now." I voiced my thoughts.

"What are you taking about? We should make her tell us." Will said angrily.

Even though Will can come off as rude and insensitive he isn't really like this. Once Raven was taken from us he became cold and distant. I've noticed some changes in him now that Raven is back but it's going to take a while for him to return to himself.

"We can't make her tell us anything. She has to trust us and she won't do that with your attitude." Ryan scolded.

Soon we were cut off by Raven and Daniel walking back into the room.

"What's going on?"


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