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I had the biggest smile on my face. I couldn't believe that just happened.

I made my way to the other side of the parking lot to where our car is normally parked.

Ryan stood there focused on the phone in his hands.

"What are you doing?" I asked

"They are coming to get us" He said texting someone who I could only guess was one of our brothers.

We waited a little while longer until they pulled in.
Ryan and I stood up from our seat on the curb. They didn't say anything to us except "Get in."

I decided to wait until we were at dinner tonight to ask about where they were during school. At least at dinner they couldn't avoid the topic.

They were getting very good at that.

Too many weird things have been happening. It seemed I was the only one without answers.

We pulled into the large driveway. My fathers car was parked at a weird angle. Almost like he rushed up the driveway and jumped out.

I've seen people do that in movies.

I was taking in everything closely.

We walked in the front door. I noticed Will had a small limp. Even with the fact he tried to hide it, it was still noticeable.

I had thought of every possible excuse. Maybe they skipped school to go on dirt bikes and Will crashed. Maybe they went home and Will fell down the stairs.
Maybe Will and Eli got in a fight.

They were all stupid ideas.

I went straight to by bedroom, throwing my backpack on the floor. I changed into a pair of short shorts and a hoodie. I like to be comfortable.

I went back down stairs to my fathers office. I knocked, thinking he may be in there.

"Come in" I heard faintly.

I open the door and walked in. Closing it behind me, I sat in one of the chairs.

"What's up baby" My dad asked as he rummaged through papers.

"Oh nothing." I said seriously as I looked around the large office. It had wooden book shelves on the two side walls. They were filled with different types of books and trophies.

"Whatcha working on?" I asked curiously.

"Just some stuff for the business." He shrugged it off.

"What business do you guys have?" I never really found out what they do. I knew my brothers were involved in some way but I didn't know how.

"Your brothers and I own a bunch of buildings" he says not making eye contact. He was being very vague.

"Hmm" I looked at him curiously.

I then walked out of the room, but not before seeing a bit of panic on his face.

I was done with their lies.

I went up to my room and grabbed my skateboard. I wanted to get out of the house. I just needed to think about how I would go about my plan.

I quickly changed my shorts to leggings and kept my sweatshirt on. I walked back downstairs with my skateboard in hand.

"I'm going out!" I yelled throughout the house. I knew I would be in trouble later but for now, I don't care.

I wasn't sure where I would be going. I just needed to get out of the house.

I walked down the drive way before placing the board on the ground. I stepped on it before giving myself a push.

I went for a while before I found myself at a park. There were a few kids playing as their parents watched.

The sets were bright and colorful. The swings, slide, climbing place, monkey bars, and everything else.

I found myself walking over to the monkey bars. I climbed on top and laid across the bars. My skateboard laid next to me.

I stared up at the cloudy sky. It looked like it was about to rain. I loved the rain.

I thought that I would ask tonight at dinner what has been going on. I knew they would probably deny any of my theory's but it was worth a shot. Plan B would be to snoop around. Listen go conversations, maybe even snoop in my dads office.

I had my music blasting in my ears as I stared in to the grey clouds who were much like my thoughts.

I suddenly felt hands from under me wrap around my waist. I sat up in alarm and looked down.

I found a laughing Jax.

"You should have seen your face" I jumped down and punched his arm.

"Jerk" I muttered.

"What are you doing here?" He asked gesturing around.

"Needed to think. What about you?" I asked as he pulled me close to him by my waist.

"I went on a walk with my brother before seeing you laying up there" He points to a guy behind him.

The guy looked like an older version of Jax. Only by 2 or 3 years.

"Hi i'm Cade" He shakes my hand.

My wall immediately goes up. I shake his hand firmly which surprises him.

"I'm Raven" I said looking back at Jax

"I know. I've heard a lot about you" He laughs at Jax.

"I hope good things" I chuckle briefly.

"All good things. You have quite the reputation" He smirks.

"I guess you can say that"

"What did you need to think about?" Jax asked almost as if he could tell something was wrong.


"No something is wrong" He holds me closer.

"My family is hiding something from me"

"What do you think it is?" Jax asked

"I don't know but my father and five brothers all know. I'm the only one left in the dark" I sighed

"Five brothers? What's your last name?" Cade asked


He suddenly paled.


Sorry about the late chapter.

It's been a long day. School has been a pain in my ass. Im also taking an extra class:(

I hope it was okay

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