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Feelings are strange. Your mind works with your body to make you feel things. Bad and good emotions all put into one body. You can be happy and still have darkness lurking inside of you, ready to take over.

Sometimes I just want to stop my emotions.

I don't want to care.

Will sighed at my question. His eyebrows furrowed and his eyes turned softer.

He kept his eyes on the road as the car got deathly quiet.

All you could hear was the roar of the engine as we ran over the large deserted road.

"I don't know what you are talking about" He said emotionlessly as his eyes refused to look at me.

"I may be a tad drunk" I said looking at my fingers and wiggling them in front of my face as my body was towards him. "But I am not stupid. Ever since I got back you have been a little bitch" I poked his arm pouting.

"Your lucky I didn't beat you up" I slurred as I punched the air.

"I know" He said almost in a whisper.

I stayed silent as I waited for him to continue. I didn't know what to say to that.

"I'm only telling you this because you are drunk and probably won't remember tomorrow" He finally turned to face me.

That's where he was wrong. I always remember. I would know everything that happened tonight. I don't know how but somehow it just works that way.

"When you were born, all of the guys made a deal. From the moment we met you, we knew things were going to be much different. It wasn't just us anymore. We had a babygirl to look after. We were your protection.

We would protect you no matter what. We would look out for you, comfort you, love you. That's what we were there for. We wanted to do everything we could for you.

We did just that.

The first few years were amazing. You would run around laughing as we played with you. There wasn't a time that you didn't have a smile on your face.

I was actually your favorite. We were inseparable. I guess that's how we are so alike. With our cold moods and rebellious side.

We would do everything together. During the day you would follow me everywhere. My room was just as well yours. At night you couldn't fall asleep until you were in my arms.

Everything was perfect.

But then it wasn't.

You were gone and we had no idea where you could be. We only knew that our mother took you and ran. We looked and looked. We always came up with nothing and each time we felt more and more of our hearts break.

I didn't sleep because you weren't there to hold. I closed everyone off and became cold. We all delt with your disappearance in our own ways. All turning to different things. Not all of them were healthy.

Now you are back. When you walked in the house that day I knew things would change once again.

I didn't know if it would be good or bad. No one knew what you went through or what your life was like.

You obviously have a past and things aren't the same anymore.

We didn't protect you. We failed the one thing we said we would do. We failed you.

We have wanted you back for so long. Now you finally are.

Raven i'm glad your home" He sighed looking at me.

Rebellious RavenWhere stories live. Discover now