Jax and I immediately separate, not knowing who was on the other side of the door. He fixes the blankets while I head towards the door getting ready to open it.
Once everything looked normal and not like we were doing anything my father would disapprove of, I opened the door.
I was greeted by the smile of my aunt. She wore a pair of casual jeans and a long sleeved shirt. Her brown hair was up in a ponytail.
What was she doing here?
"Hi Raven" she then looked behind me. She saw Jax and a goofy grin was spreading across her face.
"Oh sorry for interrupting" She teased, implying she knew what we were doing.
I blushed but quickly recovered when I realized I still didn't know what was going on.
"Where is everyone?" I now noticed the house was quiet. It was never quiet. A house full of guys always has yelling, fights, and loud stomping.
"Oh um they are leaving now. They have business to attend to. They sent me here to keep an eye on you"
"What kind of business?" I asked hoping she would spill.
"That's a question to ask your father. I would tell you but he would have my head. He will tell you soon" She tried to reassure me, giving me a warm smile.
"Ugh he's so annoying like all of them are hiding it from me. He knows I'm trying to figure out what it is and I can tell he's nervous"
"I bet" She laughed. "Well have fun" She winks before heading downstairs.
I quickly turn back to Jax.
"We are going for a ride" I smirk.
"Where" He asked
"Who knows" I threw on a sweatshirt and opened my window.
"Let's go" I motioned him over.
We slipped out the window and used the roof to slide down. When it was close enough to the ground I jumped and rolled. stop drop and roll
We got into Jax's car and quickly followed my dads car. We kept a safe distance to avoid suspicions.
They pulled up to this large grey warehouse. It looked abandoned with graffiti along the outside.
In a moment they all got out of the car. My cousins were there too.
"What are they doing here?" I asked more to myself then Jax
"I don't know. This is weird" He watches them go in the building.
"Ok park the car" As soon as the car comes to a halt I jumped out.
I figured we didn't come all this way for nothing. I was going to go in.
I walked across the long parking area and looked at the door they headed into.
It was a large metal door with a rusted handle. I slowly turned the knob. Jax was staying in the car as the getaway driver. He wasn't happy about it but I told him to suck it up or i'd make him go home.
I made just enough room that I could squeeze in without opening the door all the way. I didnt want to make any extra noise.
When I got inside the room was barley illuminated. There was a hallway leading some where else and to other rooms.
I followed the sound of voices. I tip toed down the dark hallway where a door was open. The light shone into the hall from the doorway.
I walked into the room wanting to figure out who was talking.
There were two men. They were large. And when I say large I mean holy shit that's a whale. They were all muscle and tattoos.
"Wow I love your tattoos" I found my self saying.
"Who are you?" The mans voice asked angrily.
"I will go get boss" The other guy ran out of the room.
Tattoo grumpy guy pulled out a gun and held it to my forehead.
"Well little girl your going to stay right here." He said angry.
Well shit.
I stood there for a moment before getting bored.
I sighed "This isn't gonna work. It's too boring"
I did one of the moves Daniel taught me. I put one hand on the barrel of the gun and the other on his hand that held it. Quickly pushing, making it turn around on him. I did it so fast he barely noticed.
I held the gun up to his head.
"Look you bitch. Who's gonna stand still now."
I liked being in charge.
"Get on your knees before I blow your brains out" I nudge his head with the gun.
Don't get me wrong, I wasn't going to kill him.
"I doubt you even know how to use a gun" the guy laughs.
"Do you really want to find out right now." I gritted out.
He reluctantly got on his knees.
"Stay the-" "Raven?"I got cut off by a familiar voice.
I looked up to see my father, brothers, and cousins all staring at me with shock.
"Fancy seeing you here! These guys are huge!" I said with the gun still at his head.
"Wh-at? Ho-w?" Logan stutters.
"Spit it out Logan" I tapped my foot
"How the hell did you get our best guy on the ground?"
"It was actually pretty easy. He held the gun to me but we reversed that quickly. Didn't we tattoo grumpy guy? And to think I complemented your tattoos!" I looked down at the man.
"Arent you guys gonna do anything?" Tattoo grumpy man asked.
"That's our sister. Raven put the gun down" Eli sighs.
Grumpy man looked at me with shock as he stood up. "Your their sister?"
"No duh. Who said you could get up? I sure didn't" I glared.
"How did you get here?" Will asked.
"I followed"
"How you don't have a car" Ryan said confused.
"I have my ways. Now your gonna have to tell me what's going on" I put my hands on my hips
"Well we run the Italian mafia" My father said quickly.
I thought for a moment. Everything was now making sense. The sneaky phone calls, school absences, weapons, everything.
"So you kill people?" I asked emotionlessly.
"Only bad. Only if we have to" My dad reassured me
This was a lot to take in.
It's kinda cool to be honest.
"That's epic. I want in"
And the reveal!!QOTD: What country are you from?
i hope you enjoyed.
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Rebellious Raven
Teen FictionAll Raven has ever known is life with her abusive mother. It had always been just the two of them, or so she thought. Raven had become a troublemaker and was well known for her rebellious acts. When her mom doesn't return home one day due to an ac...