suddenly your name on my screen didn't make me smile anymore

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💜Please listen to the song above.💜


Rainy nights were the best for Killer because it made him stop thinking. Thinking was tiring, to be honest. It was better to just mindlessly watch the rain until he got out of his euphoria. He stopped cutting the vegetables and dropped his knife in the sink carefully. He didn't want to damage one of his many prized knives.


His head slowly turned around to the window, and he watched the rain pour. Drip, drop. Slow at first, but in a few moments, it started pouring like the spill of a water drum. "It's awfully loud. I knew we shouldn't have installed that metal hangover," Killer sighed, rubbing his skull. "But oh noo, my opinion is totally obsolete."


The sound came from the living room.

"Maybe it's the electrician to take back the stupid ass wires everywhere," Killer laughed. He walked to the table, and bent over his phone to see who texted him.



His smile wiped off his face immediately, and he slowly took a seat on the recliner.

To be honest, he didn't want to reply. It was a nasty time speaking to his former boss- now boyfriend. They both thought that they had feelings for each other, and maybe it was true that they did. However, their personalities clashed horribly. Most of their dates had constant squabbling and fake punching. Yeah, they didn't want to hit each other, but they had to relieve stress some way.

Killer looked at the phone blankly, trying to understand the message.

A partial reason to why they got together was because of his coworkers. They claimed that they were "couple goals" and just "waiting to become married". One compliment he remembered vividly was that their aesthetics matched. He didn't really understand that. Okay, they both wore black, had weird smiles, and inhaled coffee. So what? He was pretty sure 90% of the teenage population shared the same characteristics. 

"Why don't we all get married, then," Killer grumbled, obviously annoyed at the comment. Then he realized that he should focus on the message.

Nightmare | 1m

lol I want kids too but i think they'll hate us for life

He raised a non-existent eyebrow. What were they talking about again? Oh yeah, another annoying part of their relationship. Nightmare had a schedule almost parallel to Killer's. It was hard finding time to visit each other. Of course, the black teared skeleton just took a shit-ton of unnecessary breaks to visit his soulmate, which ended up in more complaining on the octopus' side. He secretly enjoyed the company, and well- it's not really a secret if two know, right?

He checked the message history to refresh his memory.

Killer | 2:54 PM

ayo r u free? i bought too much poke 😥

Nightmare | 4:23 PM


Killer | 5:06 PM

BRUH u're too late tf i ate it all already bitch

Nightmare | 5:34 PM

ok fat-ass don't ask me next time then

Killer | 6:04 PM

well how the fuck am i supposed to guess your schedule midget

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