Chapter 3

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The concert is at Seoul Olympic Stadium, I checked on internet. We got into her car and she started driving. The stadium is a 30 minutes drive from my house.

"Why didn't you told me earlier about this?" I asked her sternly

"What was there to tell you about? I guess you also love to listening to songs. So I thought why not take you with me and others." she answered shrugging her shoulders.

I released a sigh and shaking my head.

She kept singing songs of I guess that band only. Now I really think I've broken my ears. She's so off beat. Lol.

We arrived at the venue in no time. Thanks to her driving skills. I found two other jerks like her standing in front of us as we got out of the car - Yongsae and Soona.
These 3 are my lifelines here without them I'm dead literally.

"Hi guys!" I waved towards them trying to sound all chirpy and all that.

"You both are late" Yongsae said in a serious tone.

"She. It's all her fault. This idiot went grocery shopping even though she knew that I will come at her house at 4. Still." Crystal bashed out.

"What? Now you're blaming it all on me. Not fair. I'm leaving then" I said.

"We're getting late guys already. Entry has started. You can get angry other time okay?" Soona came in between. She's the peacemaker of our group.

"Fine" I said and went with them inside the venue. To be honest, I don't know how these folks look like and all that. Heard the hype about them but never witnessed it live. First time.

"Where are our seats?" I asked them thinking they might be somewhere at the top.

"They're over there" Yongsae pointed at our seats which were located at the floor section. Omo.

"Let's go" all three said together in excitement.

We made our way towards our seats and sat there. They all got something weird torch kinda thing from their bags even all the people had them there in the stadium.

"What is this?" I asked them pointing towards the torch.

"You don't know this? Oh God. This is lightstick darling. It uses battery to light up and you change colours of it too and you can connect it with Bluetooth as well to operate it with your phone through an app. Every band has an official lightstick made for their Fandom, so the fans can show their utmost support towards their idols" Crystal explained it to me in detail.

"Technology." I said sarcastically.

The show was going to start at 7 and it was 6:30 already. Nature's call suddenly arrived out of nowhere.

"I'll be back. Need to pee." I informed them.

"Get back soon. The show is about to start." Yongsae screamed as I was leaving and I just waved my hand to let them know okay.

I literally don't know where the hell washroom is and I dunno how will I find it. It's all chaotic here. I kept walking but I couldn't find a washroom.

After a lot of walking, finally I found a washroom but there was VIP written on it. Since when the washrooms are booked under VIP now. I can't hold it anymore. I need to pee asap.

I went inside without thinking twice and luckily there was nobody inside. I made my way to the first stall and emptied my bladder. Finally. Then suddenly the door opened and someone made their way inside the washroom i could hear it from the stall. I flushed the toilet and made my way out. The person who made his way inside turned out and I was shook.

No way. No.

It was that Hannam 105 man to whom I delivered the food yesterday. What the hell is he doing here? Is he also fan of this band BTS? Surprise.

"YOU" we both shouted at the same time.

"Wha..what are you doing here?" I asked him.

"I should be asking the same question I guess" he said to me.

"I came here to watch this concert with my friends. Now don't say you also came here to watch this concert." I replied to him.

"I don't think I'm answerable to you." he said. Woww so rude this man is. Last night he was so sweet. Fakeness at peak.

He kept staring at me while I was shooting daggers towards him with my eyes.

"I need to go. I'm late." he said to me and he left without saying anything more. What is he late for?

I also washed my hands and left. I made my way towards my seat.

"You made it on time. The show is about to start in 10 mins. Oh my god I'm sooo excited. I'll be seeing them up so close. Oh godddd" all three of them screamed in my ears.

It's just a matter of about 3 hours I guess. I'll imagine like I'm watching a movie. I can get through it.

Suddenly it all went black. Daebak.
A huge siren kinda thing started playing. I looked at stage. There were so many people and there was so much going on stage I couldn't register it properly. What to see and what to not! Two huge lion kinda balloon rised on stage and a table was there. Then beat dropped. Music started. 3 folks beside me went insane. I was like I guess it my time to go into my world. I started doing my work on my phone while others were enjoying their performance but I could hear the songs. They were great.

Two hours passed away and the encore was about to start i guess.

"OMG this is my favourite song, Epiphany. Miah you should listen this song. It is sooo good" Soona said to me.

My eyes went up on stage and see the person singing it and I dropped my phone. What the hell!

"Isn't Jin so handsome? For a reason he is called WWH (worldwide handsome)" crystal said laughing.

His name is Jin and he is a member of this band, BTS. He was getting late for this. But he doesn't look like an idol and the way he was living. Omg. I mistaken him.

"Who's he?" I asked 3 of them.

"You don't know him? He is Kim Seokjin. He's the vocalist of this band and the eldest one in this group. He is really funny. His dad jokes are wow" Yongsae told me.

I don't think he is funny. He is hiding his real personality because he is totally opposite from what I saw yesterday.
I kept on watching him sing and play the piano. His voice took my heart and I came to know

He's undiscovered yet.

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