CHAPTER 6 : Far From Home

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"Stop!" I cried out, but he wouldn't let go. His claws dug into my arm and a hot searing pain pulsed through my whole body as I screamed my lungs out. It only made him laugh louder. He was enjoying this. 

    "Stop? Why would I do that?" He asked as he crooked his head slightly to the left. A smirk teased his lips, as he leaned in forward. I saw my reflection in the dark eyes. My hair was stuck to my sweaty, pasty flesh, which was bruised and cut. My eyes were frantic as fear filled me. Cold, unwavering fear. It slithered it's way up my body, before wrapping itself around me, plunging it's fangs into my jugular.

     "I'm having so much fun, little bird," he whispered into my ear. Dread coiled deep inside me, rattling my entire body. I fought the edge to haul. He didn't like it when I did that. I swallowed the bail as his smirk turned into a full on grin. 

     "I'm so happy that you're here," he said as he dragged his clawed hand down the side of my face, scarring it even further, "I've waited so long for this." 

     "What do you want with me?" I asked, my voice coming out hoarse from the screaming. He laughed, the sound cold, sending a menacing shiver down my spine. I tried to reel myself away from him but I couldn't. He had me bond to the cold metal table with leather straps. The room we were in was dimly lit, the fluorescent lights flickered from time to time, but it was enough for me to make out the figure before me. 

     His long dark hair was tied behind his head, his black eyes stared intently into my fear filled grey ones and his fangs popped out the sides of his mouth. He stood beside the metal table in a blood stained dark green shirt and black leather pants. 

     I laid on the table in nothing but my black jeans. My back laid bare onto the cold surface. The chill burrowing into my flesh but it was the least of my worries. Long cuts bore into my flesh, from my arms and torso; blood oozed out of each incision. The cuts, three cuts to be precise, that laid parallel on my chest were the deepest. They festered and etched and stung. He'd made each cut, smiled as he did it. 

     "I just want to play," he said before retracting his hand. He wiped off the blood on his claws with the cloth that was draped over the small table beside the one I laid on. On that table were several surgical blades, the ones he'd been using to tear into me. 

      "Please..." I said, my throat scratchy and sore. Tears stung my eyes as they trailed down my temples and onto the table. "I wanna go home," I pleaded. 

      "But you are home," Ashon said stroking my cheek with the back of his cold hands. "This is your home, we've been waiting for you for so long." 

      "No," I said trying again to struggle out of the bonds on my arms. They wouldn't budge. 

      "Don't worry little bird. Everything is going to be okay." He assured me, but it did nothing to soothe my nerves, in fact it only worsened them. Nothing was going to be okay, everything and everyone I cared about were in danger. 

      "You just have to play the game," he said before everything started to ripple. His cold cynical laugh fade like smoke and so did the intense glare of his eerie eyes. The room wafted away. 


I woke to a sore head, and a groggy mind. My cheek brushed against something soft, and scented. The pungent scent of lavender lingered on the the silky bed sheets I laid on. I groaned as I lifted my head opening my eyes. My vision was blurry at first and I couldn't quite make out where I was. I rubbed my eyes with the back of my hand as I struggle to sit up on the bed. My body whined at the effort, pain pulsing through each vein. 

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