CHAPTER 25 : Don't Close Your Eyes

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He screamed.

   The sound was frantic and piercing. I woke with a jolt to be suddenly alarmed when I realized I couldn't see anything. All I could make out was a figure thrashing beside me. I reached for the bedside lamp then turned back to my side. It was Adrian, he laid beside me, still obviously asleep, as he twisted in bed.

    I laid out my hands on him, to hold him still. "It's just a bad dream," I said as I tried to cradle him. "It's okay Adrian, I'm right here. It's just a bad dream." He was sweating, his skin was flushed and hot tears dripped down his cheeks. His heart was racing as he moved his arms trying to push me away. I wouldn't let go though.

     "I got you," I told him. And eventually he stopped moving. He opened his eyes breathing heavily. "Adrian, you are okay, you were having a nightmare," I said as I loosened my grip but kept him close to me.

    "Don't touch me," he yelped as he jerk away from my hold as if I'd burned him. I reached out for him but he flinched and I retracted my hand, a little hurt. He moved to the other side of the bed, as he furiously wiped away the tears. He clutched the bed sheets with both hands as he attempted to calm his breathing.

    It was about five minutes before he spoke again. "I'm sorry Marcus, I just... I'm sorry," he said as he hugged his knees.

     "Talk to me," I pleaded as I scooted closer to him. He flinched again when I tried to place my hand over his so I settled on putting it over my own knee. "Please talk to me. I want to help you but I don't know how. I need you to talk me, Adrian."

     He was silent for a long minute, I started to doubt he'd ever open his mouth but then he said, "I had a bad dream." 

     He turned his face from mine. "That's all, it was just a bad dream and I'm fine," he added before untangling his limbs and getting onto his feet. He staggered for a moment and I hopped onto my feet ready to catch him if he fell. He didn't. He steadied himself and walked over to his dresser. He pulled open a drawer, taking out a hoodie.

     "What are you doing?" I asked as he pulled on the hoodie.

    "Nothing, go back to bed," he said, his tone was shaky and unnerving. I swallowed, taking a step towards him. "I'm just going to take a walk."

    "It's the middle of the night," I told him as I turned to the window. The curtain was drawn, showing a pitch black night.

    He reached for his shoes which laid at the foot of the bed. "I won't be long," he said his eyes refusing to meet mine.

    "Won't be long," I repeated. "Adrian, stop," I said grabbing hold of him with both hands. He flinched again but I didn't move away this time. "You're not making any sense. Please just stop. Sit with me and tell me what's going on."

     He gave me a small forced smile. "Nothing is going on. I had a bad dream, I'm going to take a walk to clear my head. You don't need to worry about me Mark." He told me before placing a kiss on my cheek.

      I let go of him and he pulled on his shoes. "I'll be back soon," he told me. "You really should get back to sleep. I'm sorry for waking you up."

    Before I had the chance to say anything more he was out of the door and I was left staring after him. What had just happened? He...

    He wasn't himself.

    I grabbed my shoes, I'd left them laying on the floor beside the bed. I pulled on my combat boots before I tugged on my jacket. I grabbed my phone off the bedside table, checking the time first before tucking it into my back pocket. It was three am. The house was silent as I crept out of it; Adrian's dad wasn't home, of that I was sure. He'd left for Michigan the previous day, for a meeting with a vampire clan there. As for Michael, I wasn't sure if he was here or not. I hadn't seen him since the night he'd told me to look out for Adrian. But I was sure he was still around, I could feel him following me sometimes.

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