CHAPTER 17 : Overcome

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He snored softly in my arms. He looked so peaceful with his eyes shut, his hair falling gracefully over his face as he snuggled close to me. He'd fallen asleep an hour after Abby had left. We'd talked for a while, nothing too serious, or at least I'd tried to keep it from serious topics. It hadn't worked for long. I'd started off with just stories of what I'd been up too since he left.

      I told him about having new guardians, and how much I'd hated it at first, but didn't mind it much when I got to know Davin, Michael and Kai. He'd commented how weird it was that his brother's team were guarding me now, but otherwise he didn't say much on the subject. I told him about how I'd been continuing my lessons with Scarlet, and how I'd been improving. He'd kissed my forehead and told me that he knew I would.

     I told him about Jack, things had gotten a little tense after that. It wasn't like I'd never mentioned Jack before. I had. I just had never told him the whole story of what happened. But now I did. I told him everything, from the expulsion to the betrayal and to me forgiving Jack. I had forgiven Jack, amidst all the madness and chaos and confusion I'd finally learnt the reason behind why Jack did what he did. I didn't agree with his reasoning, but I understood it. I understood him, like he said, he was only trying to protect me.

     How could I hate someone for trying to save my life? And in the end he had done the right thing. He'd tried to help me get Adrian out of the underworld and he'd been almost killed for it. I'd told Adrian about that. He'd gotten worried then. Not about Jack but about the fact that I'd almost sacrificed myself for him. I'd joked about how he'd done the same thing for me. How could it be okay for him to die for me and it wasn't okay for me to do the same for him? He hadn't found it funny.

     However, I'd tried to change the subject by talking about how I'd been training with Kai. He'd allowed me stir the conversation to that. We laughed and joked about me having my ass repeatedly kicked by Kai. The conversation had stayed light from that. And eventually he was yawning and his eyes were falling shut. I'd allowed him to sleep because honestly, I just couldn't bare to wake him. He looked so relaxed and at peace, he deserved peace.

      My head rested on top of his as he laid on my chest. My fingers trailed softly up and down his arm and I felt lost in a trance as I listened to his snores. My beeping phone was what drew back my attention. I tried not to move too much as I reached for my phone. I pulled it out of my front pocket, checking my messages. I had several unread messages from my father.

      I cussed under my breath as I read the messages. He was asking what time I'd be home and if I was safe, he was worried about me. I realized then how long I'd been here. It was nearly sunset, I'd been here all day. I quickly texted him back that I'd be home soon before I slipped out from under Adrian. I tried not to wake him but I failed miserably.

     Adrian slowly stirred awake, yawning. He reached out for me but blinked twice when his fingers were met with nothing but crumpled sheets.

    "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," I said as I leaned down to kiss his forehead.

    "No it's okay," he said as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. He slowly sat up on the bed. "Sorry I fell asleep, it's the medication they have me on," he explained. I furrowed my brows.

    "Medication?" I asked.

    "Yeah. Painkillers. They used magic to patch up most of my injuries but some wounds need time to heal. And while they do heal, I need medication to sedate the pain," he elaborated. I nodded.

      "I wish there was something I could do to help you. I hate to think of you in pain," I said honestly. He gave me a cheeky smile.

     "Don't worry, I'm fine," he told me, taking my hand in his. "Anyway, I'm sure there's something you can do," he told me as he pulled me closer, connecting our lips. He kissed me heatedly in a sloppy yet consuming kiss.

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