CHAPTER 11 : Babel

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"I do hope we an understanding," Ashon said as he ushered me into the dining room. I clenched my jaw, pressing my lips together before nodding. A smirk immediately appeared onto his face and I grimaced. "Excellent," he said as he pulled out a chair for me to sit in. I complied without hesitation and settled across from Geun.

"I'm glad to see that you're finally willing to see reason," Geun said, a smug expression on his face, I resisted the urge to roll my eyes but my frown did deepen. Unfortunately for me Geun noticed and he sighed heavily.

"We're not the bad guys here, kid. We're just trying to get our brother back, that's all," Geun explained as his gaze held mine. I scoffed as I took into call all they'd put me through, all they had put Adrian through. They definitely seemed like the bad guys in my book.

"So... tormenting me for months, turning my best friend against me, and then threatening to kill everyone I love, what was that? You asking nicely?" I scoffed, pursing my lips as I pushed aside the food in front of me, not feeling particularly hungry anymore.

Ashon chuckled and I turned my gaze to him, at the head of the table. "I do admit, my methods for asking for help do leave room for questions. I could have been less... Coarse. But where's the fun in that?" He asked as he laughed, the sound causing my hands to ball up into fists. I dug my nails into my palms when my vision turned red as I tried to reel in the anger.

"You enjoyed haunting my dream," I said. It wasn't a question; there was no doubt in my mind he liked watching me suffer. He'd proved it on too many occasions.

"It's gets boring down here," he said stifling a yawn with his hand. "And it was an effective way to keep an eye on you," he explained. My eyes widened.

"You were spying on me?" I asked, and again the beast laughed. His scarlet red eyes glowed with amusement, as his brother swallowed a folk full of his food.

"No, we were looking out for you," Geun said, and I drew my attention back to him. "Believe it or not but we're not the villains. You're one of us, weather you accept it or not and we look after our own. The council, as you call them, have a tendency of imprisoning or killing anything with demon blood. We just wanted to make sure that they didn't do the same to you," he told me.

"I'm not one of you," I said slamming my hand into the table. It trembled under the force of my magic, as my hand glowed red. My eyes too turned the same blood toned color. Geun smirked, as I made his point for him. I was one of them, no matter what I tried to tell myself. "They wouldn't lock me up," I told him, even though I knew full well that it wasn't true. Half the council were already onboard for locking me up. But it didn't make them the bad guys, he was trying to make them the bad guys. But the council was just scared. I understood their fear, I scared myself sometimes too.

"And if they had locked me up, I wouldn't have blamed them. You say I'm like you, meaning I'm dangerous. Maybe I belonged in a cell," I told him, my vision finally returning to normal.

"You're a witch with demon blood," he said, leaning forward. "You're not evil. The blood doesn't turn you evil. It taints your magic, yes. But you still have the choice to do good. You have the free will to help or destroy," he explained. "You choose who you wanna be, Marcus, not the blood," he told me as he held my gaze.

"I do apologize for my brother," he turned to Ashon pining him with a fierce glare before turning back to me his expression softened. "I apologize for the nightmares. He was just supposed to be watching over you. But like he mentioned, he gets bored down here and then he gets... carried away. It must have been quite traumatizing, but believe me, those dreams reflect nothing of what we truly want," he told me but I narrowed my gaze in suspicion.

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